fuck you

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     when i woke up i noticed i was in the hospital due to ayleks an her gun apparently.
the nurses told me trippie hasn't left or stopped asking for me so i thought that was good he actually cared. he actually has a heart and that's sweet. so as the nurse brought him into the room my happiness grew. i could tell he truly missed me so i decided to play around with him.
trippie-baby you don't know how much i missed youu
         then here i go annoying his ass haha
carley- i'm sorry but who are you
         i could tell that broke his heart considering tears started to grow in his eyes.
trippie-well you might not remember me but i'll relive every moment we had together until you do
carley-babe ik who you are i was just playin with you*i burst out laughing*
     i could tell he was pissed at me but it was too funny the way he reacted.
trippie- fuck you*he said as he stormed out the room*
carley-baby come backkk
      then he came back within 2 mins and smashed his lips onto mine causing us to go into a makeout sesh. although it didn't last too long until someone came in the room. it was dex? i ain't know dex cared for me too but apparently he did.
dexter-is my sista in law alright
fucking weirdass
only trippie would cut me off an not give a fuck but it's cool
trippie-yeah my wife okay
trippie-shh baby no need to yell
dexter-y'all wildin imma need to put y'all in counseling*he said dying of laughter*
god why i always end up with the annoying ones. trippie also laughed not making this any better, swear these boys finna gimme a headache.
~time skip to 2pm~
       the nurses kept checking on my wounds
writing down progress on healing or sum. trippie sadly left with dex an hour ago to record a song. now i'm all alone in this wack ass hospital without my phone which is tuff period.
the doctors and nurses kept doing the same things on repeat. check, write, talk, leave. i can't take it anymore man. then i got great news from the main doctor.
main doctor- good news your stiches have healed since the hits weren't til bad so as soon as we take em out you'll get to leave
carley- bout timeee
    another hour passed as they finished taking
out my last stitch which hurt the most out of all of them. then before i know it it was over. as i reentered the room i was staying in i got dressed into my own clothes and called trippie to come get me since they said i could leave now.
        ~time skip to trippies house~
me and trippie we're watching tv when he kept staring at me.
carley-fuck you starring at
trippie- youu
trippie-cause imma fuck the shit outta you
with that he carried me up stairs and threw
me onto the bed making me get all excited. next thing i know he slides his dick his dick in pounding into me making me gasp for air.
          man this gon be a crazy night.

hey y'all i'm sorry ik i took a while to update my bad i couldn't figure out how to end the chapter at first so sorry if this chapter sucks the next one will be better i promise but we're almost at 1k reads which is crazy but i'll stop rambling off haha, see y'all in the next chapter

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