# drinks on me

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'I need to get over it. . .'

-is what Haida had been telling himself for the past year. Despite everything that had happened between him and Retsuko, nothing seemed to overrule the fact that she didn't love him. Even their Christmas Eve hangout hadn't been enough to satisfy him (at least not for longer than a few minutes).

Haida sighed and looked into his drink,  reflection staring pitifully back at him. What was even in his cup? He didn't know. But it was the sixth of the night, whatever it was.

The spotted hyena looked up at a clock.  From what he could make out through his blurry eyes, he could see that it was a quarter to midnight. If he couldn't get over Retsuko by now, the least he could do was get out the bar before he gave himself alcohol poisoning.

With a slight grunt, Haida stood up and turned around...only to bump into someone extremely short, spilling his drink on them in the process. His drunken mind yelled 'retsuko!', but he knew better. Retsuko's fur wasn't that color, and her ears definitely weren't that long.

“Ah I-I'm so sorry. Let me get you a towel! Or- uh...”

Haida frantically looked around, but to his embarrassment there wasn't a single spare cloth to be found. A light chuckle snapped him out of his panic, bringing a confused expression to his face.

The short not-Retsuko character stood up (though it didn't do much for their height). Now that they were actually facing Haida, it was much easier to make out their features.

Short [color] fur covered his body, especially fuzzy around the large bunny ears. He was plump (but not noticeably) and a blush ran across his nose (from the alcohol). The most distinguishing thing about the bunny wasn't his ears though, or even his height.

It was his eyes. Large spheres of [color] that opened to stare into Haida's own olive green orbs.

Haida was speechless.

“It's okay.”
Said the bunny, pulling out a few yen and setting them on the bar stand.

“I guess drinks are on me?”

A stupid smile crossed the hyena's face when he got the joke- and then an embarrassing (yet adorable) laugh escaped his throat. Instinct led him to cover his mouth, but the bunny only smiled and made his way to the exit.

As much as he loved to drink, Haida was a real lightweight. He didn't remember passing out. He also didn't remember Fenneko and Ookami coming to get him. The next five hours of his drunken state? Down the memory drain.

But there was one thing he couldn't forget through it all. And it was those eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2019 ⏰

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Hyenas Love Bunnies     |       Haida x Male!Bunny!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now