So this is where it starts

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"Who's the new girl?" people are whispering all around me "Her clothes are so weird!" Hi, I'm Lorana, I just came from and unknown world called Atticus. Picture this: a sunset purple sky with the greenest grass you've ever seen. A grey castle at the top of a hill. Yep, that's my house. My mom awas the queen and I was the princess. My parents decided I should see what the real world is like for my first year of high school. I'm currently 14 and this is my first time being in a school outside of Atticus. "Ok class, we have a new student" I'm sitting in the back of and everyone turns to stare at me. "Lorana, anything you want to tell about yourself?" "Um..." I can't tell them I come from a world they've never heard of "Well, I really like music and that's about it," I quickly sit down.
"She clearly has no fashion sense," says that girl again as she rolls her eyes.
"That's enough Analeise!" 'Analeise - obnoxious red head' I quickly jot that down in my notebook. Her friend quickly lets out a laugh "that goes for you too rosalynn!" "Yes ms. William" that shuts her up.

The bell rings and that means class is over. This guy comes up to and I just look down still trying to figure how my phone works "Hey, I how how Analeise and rosalynn were treating you, ignore them, they think being rude is their claim to fame." I don't know how to respond "I'm Dylan, and yeah I know you're Lorana" I look up at him wondering why he's still talking to me "do you know where any of these classes are?" I asking him putting my schedule in his hands "yeah we actually have almost every class together" I look at him again, stereotypical football player look, wearing his jv letterman jacket, black jeans wavy brown hair. "You're in my choir?" I ask him in confusion "I'm in everything" the next bell rings which means our next class has started.

The next class goes by fast and my and Dylan quickly become friends. Soon it's lunch and Dylan invites me to his table. We sit down and there are so many jocks and cheerleaders, am I at the popular table? No way, I can't be! "I love your outfit!" says one girl. I look down forgetting I'm wearing a black lace crop top with an underlay of purple with a matching skirt. I have a black choker on with a crystal as the pendant. I have a black charm bracelet with different things to represent my family such as another crystal, a tree, a castle, a crown and a few other things. "uh...thanks" this girl is wearing a deep red and black cheerleading outfit. "I'm Cordelia" she says with a big smile "me and the team have a practice after school, wanna come watch?" "uh...sure" I can't believe I'm already in with the popular kids on my first day "great, we meet at 3:30 in the mini gym, see you there"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2019 ⏰

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