Chapter 4: Making a Plan

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A/N: alrighty guys, here's part 4! This one's kinda cute idk but I hope y'all like it, it seemed kinda not really exciting. tell me what you think!

She walked into the Great Hall late to breakfast, taking a seat at the Gryffindor table. Everyone was already there, looking tired but still fairly talkative.

She sat with the Marauders, her very best friends.

"Where were you?" asked Sirius, pouring himself some juice.

She caught her breath from running all the way there. "Trying to find my Advanced Charms textbook. I lost it three days ago, and it was the most painful three days of my whole life," she joked.

The Marauders chuckled, knowing her usual tendencies to lose things and her avid studying of extra subjects she undertook.

"Did you find it?" James asked.

Y/n laughed. "Yeah, after crawling on my hands and knees for thirty minutes. Turns out it was just under my bed."

Y/n ran her fingers through her messy hair. "Merlin, I'm such a mess. I didn't even have time to brush my hair this morning. That alone would have taken me the whole day!"

Everyone laughed again, and y/n finally managed to get her hair semi-presentable.

The Marauders turned their attention back to a previous conversation as she grabbed a bowl and filled it with oatmeal. She threw some blueberries in it for added flavor and dug in.

Remus hadn't joined in the conversation. There was a lot on his mind, and y/n's enlightening presence and overall cuteness certainly did not help.

See, ever since Remus and y/n had met up in the Room of Requirement last week, Remus had been a mess. He couldn't concentrate on his schoolwork, he kept forgetting to eat, and he lay awake for hours at night, staring at the ceiling and trying to decipher his own thoughts. Remus John Lupin was hopelessly in love.

He had been trying to hide it from his friends, knowing that if they found out, they would never let him see the end of it. However, the Marauders had picked up on things from day one, ever since y/n and they met on the Hogwarts Express.

But as y/n sat there playing with the blueberries in her oatmeal with her beautifully messy hair and bright, passionate eyes, Remus knew that nothing had changed. She was just so effortlessly perfect, it was intimidating.

Remus noticed that she had stopped eating, and was staring into her bowl as if willing to burn a hole in it. She was twirling her spoon in her fingers. Remus knew immediately that she was thinking about something.

The others hadn't picked up on her unusual behavior. They were having a heated debate about James's new plans to ask out Lily.

Suddenly, y/n threw down her spoon, making a loud clatter in the bowl. The Marauders stopped and looked at her, confused.

Her eyes were wild, her face beaming. She had gasped loudly and rose, patting herself down, looking for something.

"Merlin's beard, y/n," Sirius said. "What the bloody--"

In a flash of robes and messy hair, she leaped from the table and sprinted out the doors of the Great Hall.

The Marauders exchanged puzzled glances with each other, wondering what the heck had just happened.

They looked at Moony for an answer but found him staring at the doors expectantly. There was a small smile on his face, and his head was in his arms, resting on the table.

"Moony, I don't know why you just don't talk to her! For Godric's sake, you're infatuated!" James reasoned, following his friend's gaze.

"Hmm?" Remus asked.

Sirius flickered him on the head, making Remus lift his head and turn to his friends. "You're not any closer to getting her by just staring at her, Moony!"

"You don't understand," protested Remus. "I physically can't talk to her. Whenever I try to compliment her, I trip up and become a mess, and she does that little small smile that trips me even more up!" Remus groaned and flopped back onto the table. "This is hopeless."

James patted his back. "Now don't say that Moony. You're forgetting that you're friends with the best experts on girls."

"Says the one who can't even land a date with Lily," Remus sassed, voice muffled under his arms.

"It's in progress!" James protested. "But that's not the point. We are going to help you land a date with y/n."

Remus groaned again. "Please don't. I'm probably going to get even more embarrassed anyway."

Sirius opened his mouth to talk, but y/n came sprinting through the doors once more, taking a seat at her spot at the table. She had a leather-bound journal and a quill in her hands.

"And she's back," said James.

She said nothing, writing furiously into the yellowed pages of her book in messy handwriting. She held up a finger to them as she finished up.

She finally closed the book and sighed in contentment, tucking a stray hair behind her ear. "Glad I got that down before I forgot it."

"So are you going to tell us what in Merlin's pants you were doing, or should we just sit here thinking you're crazy?" Sirius said.

Y/n rolled her eyes but she seemed excited to tell them.

"Well, last night I was trying to sleep but I couldn't so I started thinking about stuff, and eventually that led to this weird idea I had for a story. So I wrote down whatever I was thinking of, but then I came across trouble because I couldn't find a conflict for the story, so I fell asleep thinking about it. And then this morning I was eating my oatmeal and I finally figured it out, and it hit me so hard that I had to write it down or else I knew I would lose the idea."

The Marauders stared at me for a good minute before Peter piped up to say, "What's the story idea?"

Sirius shot Peter a look that said Please, no. I'm not ready to die yet. (lol this is literally my friends)

Y/n took a deep breath and began explaining in depth her new story idea. It was a bit hard for some of them to follow along because she talked so fast, something that she tended to do when excited, but ultimately they were able to conclude that it was a pretty good plot. Even for a bunch of teenagers who didn't read much.

The Marauders were speechless, staring at the girl before them. Her cheeks were flushed with passion as she talked so deeply about her idea. Her hands were waving as she talked, which was something that she always did. They couldn't believe the person sitting before them was actually real.

"So . . . what do you think?" she asked finally, eyes gleaming.

Remus finally spoke up, willing himself to talk. His voice came out as a squeak. "I - I think it sounds . . . amazing. Just . . . wow . . ." Her eyes had brightened even more at the positive feedback from her friend, and Remus felt his throat close up at the sight of it. All he wanted to do was stare at her and listen to her talk more. She spoke so eloquently and passionately that Remus felt intimidated by her. She was just perfect.

She smiled sweetly and began talking again, waving her hands as she described how cool she thought it would be for there to be a hidden motive for the antagonist, etc. etc. Sirius and James sneaked glances at Remus, whose head was lay on his arms on the table, staring at her, and smiling as if in a trance.

"We've got to do something, no matter what Moony says," whispered Sirius. "He's gonna go crazy."

James nodded and began to brainstorm quietly.

Breakfast was over, and the Marauders and Y/n walked together out the door to their first class, James and Sirius talking in hushed tones.

A/N: thanks for reading! comment your opinions, I take constructive criticism and I'm always looking for ways to improve my writing!

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