Just Breathe

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It was just an asthma attack.

Basic mechanics.

Breathe in, breathe out.

No need to panic.

"Okay... just focus on your breathing," Kageyama says, his tone as calm as he could manage. Only, he could feel panic clawing up his own throat like it did every time this happened. But, nonetheless, he did his best to keep his voice light and calm, which somehow made Hinata feel a bit more at ease.

After all, this was about the fourth time this month, and Kageyama Tobio was a quick study. He learns fast what works and what doesn't. It's why he's such a brilliant setter. And, it's what's keeping Hinata together at this point.

It wasn't even something major that even triggered this attack.

They had already finished their warm-up laps around the court and were almost done stretching when it happened. Not a minute later and Kageyama had emerged from his own gym bag with the backup inhaler for Hinata, because, of course, the dumbass had forgotten to pack his own.

At least that was why Kageyama was entrusted with a spare inhaler. He was a bit more conscious to where he kept things and wasn't apt to lose them. And it was a good thing too, this attack seemed to stretch longer than the others.

"I'll go get the nurse!" Sugawara practically shouts and both him and Daichi sprint out of the gym, almost tripping out of the exit of the court.

"Y-you'd thi-think I'd die... any se- second by ho... how they're... car-carry-ing on..." Hinata manages to gasp out through pants, a grin still on his face. His eyes were still screwed shut though and his hand was still clutching his chest.

"Tell me about it," Kageyama says with a sarcastic tone and keeps fanning Hinata's face with his English textbook, "... you should get them to buy you ice-cream afterwards, they'll do it too. Guilt trip the hell out of them..."

"Y-Yeah..." another breathy response comes before a grunt, "Ow...."

"I'm sorry," comes an automatic response from the setter. He didn't know why he was apologizing. It just became a habit to him.

It was like, he felt it was his fault every time Hinata had an asthma attack. He didn't know why. He figured he just wasn't paying attention. He wasn't focused enough and that's why it happened. Hinata was in immense pain right now because he didn't realize his condition sooner.

"T-thanks, by... by the way..." the sun child says and cracks open his eyes. His eyes were brimming with tears, but it was obvious the pain was easing from the look on his face right now, "I... it's.. kicki –king in..."

Tobio sighs in relief before adjusting Shoyou's head on his lap, "Good to know" he says and smiles down at his friend and adds, "When you feel up to it, I'll toss to you."

"I didn't choose to stop in the first place," Hinata snaps, a frown forming on his face, "My body chose for me."

"I know..." Tobio answers solemnly, feeling the sting of having his optimism backfire in his face, "I'm sorry."

"... Sorry," Hinata says apologetically, realizing the biting tone to his words. He takes in a deep breath and clears his throat, "It just... it... hurts..."

"No shit," Kageyama snaps and raps him on the head, "And you almost gave me a heart attack... again."

That made Hinata giggle some.

"AND Daichi and Sugawara-san had to run to the nurse's office just for you!" Kageyama scolds and dramatically mimics their faces of dread and mimes with his arms how they sprinted out of the gym, "Not even Dateko could've blocked them!"

"Like a steam-ro..ller... r...r!" Hinata gasps out through chuckles. Only, the chuckles quickly turned into coughs once more and he ended up clutching his shirt again, "... ugh... thi... this s-sucks..."

"Just breathe... okay?" Kageyama whispers lowly, patting his own chest to get Hinata to focus on him, "Breathe with me.... Okay? In... one two three... out... one two three..."

The cycle repeats one more time.

Twice more.

Three times and over until Hinata's closing his eyes again and his breathing stops shaking.

"At least this is one good use of English lit," Kageyama states and continues fanning Hinata's face, "Right?"

Only, Hinata Shoyou's practically asleep on Kageyama's lap. His breathing had evened out and his frown was completely wiped from his brow.

"I'm not carrying your heavy ass to the lockers again," Kageyama states lowly and sighs when he doesn't get a reply.

So, when the nurse finally arrives and checks on him, he's all cleared but still out like a light. The team ended up cancelling practice early and the Karasuno Volleyball team packed up in record time to head home.

"Will you be okay to carry him like that?" Daichi asks, concern still wearing on his features when they're exiting the school gates.

"Yeah, he's not heavy," Tobio answers and nods, "I'll drop him off at his home."

"Do you want us to walk with you?" Nishinoya asks, peering at the orange haired teen.

"It's fine," Kageyama states a bit too defensively and it makes the entire team laugh.

"Okay then, take good care of him!" Sugawara says sweetly and zips up his jacket, "Call us if you need anything."

"'Night, guys!" Tanaka yells and heads off with Nishinoya to the Foothill store.

And, after a few minutes of lingering, the entire team finally head off to their own homes. It was getting dark but the last rays of light still peeked over the mountains. It was peaceful. The first of the crickets started chirping when Kageyama was almost at Hinata's house.

"Hmm... wh... wha?" the mumbles from his friend alerted Kageyama to his state, "Where-what?".

"Don't worry... I've got you... I'm taking you home," Kageyama states confidently, knowing that information was the first thing the young teen would need in order to stop his spreading panic, "I'm carrying you home... we're passing the Yamato Photo shop on our way back from the gym... everyone else already went home."

He could feel Hinata's breathing slowing down as he spoke.

"We're almost at your house..." Tobio states and adjusts Hinata's position on his back, "How're you feeling? Did you sleep okay?"

"Yeah..." the young teen answers sleepily, making no motion to move from his current position, "I'm not too heavy, am I?"

"It's good exercise...."



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