Chapter 3

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"Ya know Nor your getting better at cooking Danish food." The Dane said smiling at me from across the table. "Uh...Nor why aren't you eating?"

"I'm not hungry, you eat. I'll be fine."

"Nej, eat something." He said pushing his plate toward me. I pushed it away.

"I already said I'm not hungry." I said.

"Please eat. If you don't I'll take your butter from you."

"And if you take my butter your not getting anything for the next month."

"Oh so your going to ground me from sex hm? I'll be able to wait for a month."

"I'd like to see you try. How about two months?" The Dane smiled pushing the plate back toward me.

"Three? Maybe four?" I said smirking. He still sat there. "Alright a year."

"Alright! Alright fine! I won't take your butter!" He yelled laughing. "Please? Just eat a little, I don't want you to starve." He said smiling.

"Nei, I'm really just not hungry. Come on help me do the dishes." I said picking up the plate and walking into the kitchen.

I placed the dish in the sink and felt the Dane's arms lock around my waist.

"Jeg elsker dig Norge." He said kissing my shoulder.

"Jeg elsker deg. I was serious about you helping me with the dishes."

"I know." He chuckled and moved so he was beside me.

*Le time skip*

"Norge what's the real reason you agreed to marry me?" The Dane asked and cradled me in his arms. I sat on his lap with my head on his shoulder.

"Because I wanted money, what do you thing? I love you. Why else would I marry anyone for anyother reason?"

"You have a point." He said smiling. "Wanna go for a walk on the beach?" I nodded not even regestering his question.

He picked me up and placed me on my feet. He took my hand ad dragged me out the back screen door. We walked down a narrow path way until I let his hand go and jumped on his back.

"Your so unpredictable." He said laughing and pulling me up onto his back by my thys.

He continued to walk with me on his back, we got down onto the beach and he placed me down on the sand.

"So what now?" I asked looking up at him. He sat down in the sand beside me and kissed my forehead.

"I don't know why don't we just lay here and enjoy each others company?" He said wrapping an arm around my shoulders and pulling me closer to him. I smiled slightly and laid my head on his shoulder. Then the phone rang.

Scars and Wounds (continuation of Shattered Hearts) {Under reconstruction}Where stories live. Discover now