Letting harpet meet kakashi officially

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Bold for ten tailed beast
Italics is Naru thoughts
Underline for Jutsu's

The time goes back to normal and naruto started to walk again.
"AAAAAH I FORGOT" I jump at screaming. Naruto speaking too loud again. he turns to me. "We forgot to go to Kakashi"

"Ahh that's right niisan" we changed our direction to the house of ours sensei. The only hatake compound left. Our walk included only a Naruto talking.  When we reach the house I was the one to knock.  Kakashi opened the door with a netting shirt.

"No blushing this time"  Nah I was more sensitive to this in that heat.

"Naruto, Naru what are you guys doing here"

"Ne me sensei we forgot to ask where exam number two will be" he sighed. And looked at us and then at me.

"I can take you guys there tomorrow at 6. Don't be late." He closes the door. Naruto starts to walk off.

"Ne ne sis are you coming"

"Yeah I just have to ask Kakashi about something" I answered back to naruto. "Oh naruto before you leave completely I will be working late and I will go right after this". He nodded and started to walk again. I knocked on the door again. The was opened again.

"What is it now." His eyes meet mine. They softened. "Oh naru it's only you"

"Sensei may I get leave after the chunin exams. There is something I need to do" he surprises me to move a little back and invite me to his home. His face becomes more serious.

"Please come in I need the full story of this." I followed him in his home seeing his ninja dogs getting feed. Oh, that's kinda cute of him. One of the dogs sniffed me. I remembered seeing it once.

"You smell like a mix of a wolf and a Fox." The dog spoke. Ahh, so that kind of dog.

"I should be freaked out but have a wolf speaking every day to me now so are just a small thing for me. But for smelling like a Fox is because of the nine tail inside my brother." Kakashi pets that dog that spoke to me and was looking at me in a look for me to tell everything. I sighed.

"I have a wolf sealed inside me. But it's no problem we get along. But I need to speak about a mission I have to do alone far away from here. Harpet? Can I?" she jumps up on my shoulder.

"Woah you teacher is actually a hottie do you mind me take him huh." I blushed. I quickly recovered and told him everything about the dreams and Bakugan like harpet including the time stopping moment.

"I see so you want to leave so can figure it out and help them" I nodded. "Very well I will take it to the Hokage and see what we can do" I smiled.

"Thank you sensei"

"Huh is that a real smile Naru" I looked down blushing.

"Shut up"

"But wait for that Bakugan of yours what is that the one who took sakura and tuzuna in the land of waves"

"You sure betcha I did" Harpet answered for me. I giggled. Oh, I need to remember thanking harpet when all of this is over. I looked out of Sensei's window. The sky is a little darker than it was. Make sure time was going.

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