scribbles [bumblebee]

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Soulmate AU :
When you write on your skin with pen/ marker/etc it will show up on your soulmate's skin as well.

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Warnings : None

Reader Info

Species : Human

Age : [17/18]

Gender : Not Specified

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" In a single night you captured his spark "

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" In a single night you captured his spark "

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You hum to the tune of your favorite song as you draw on your arm with your blue pen. You are currently in your math class, it is work time where the class is able to work on any current or late assignments. Since you were the type of student to finish work as soon it is given to you, you were left with free time until class ends which would be in an hour.

You remember while walking to school you passed a house with a beautiful front yard where the owners have planted these beautiful and pretty flowers. The flowers were unique and were something you never laid eyes on. Of course, you wanted to share this memory with your soulmate.

While you never in all your years alive got a response from your soulmate you always had a habit with sharing every important/ interesting thing that happened in your life through drawing. While it does disappoint you not getting a response from them you did get hope when your soulmate doesn't wash off your drawings unless you do it yourself.

You took out your blue pen, lift up your black long sleeve shirt, and started drawing on your [ Left / Right ] arm. You get into deep concentration and unknowingly start humming to your favorite song, [ Favorite Song Name ].

You barely finish with the first couple of pedals when you feel a buzz coming from your front jean pocket. You take out your phone quickly as soon as your teacher was out of sight.

You open your phone to see that your [ Mum / Mama / Mom ] set you a text. You raise a brow at the fact your guardian never texts you unless it's important.

[ Hey Honey. Sorry to text you during school but I want you to know that I won't be home for 2 weeks. My boss wanted me and the team to go to Japan to talk about business with a company over there.]

You quickly send at text back reassuring her that you'll be okay and good luck to her before a cough interrupts you. You look up to see your math teacher with their hand stretch out in front of them. You let out a sigh before giving your teacher your phone.

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