Chapter 20: RosesAreRosieDay

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(A/N: Expect wrong grammars cause this chapter is unedited and i kinda make this rush so please forgive me.😊 Enjoy reading and love lots!😘

Happy Roses Are Rosie Day🌹💕)

Kim Taehyung's POV

         "Hyung where's my gift?"

         "Did i already packed it?"

         "How about my letters?"


         "It doesn't have a wrong grammar right rapmonie hyung?"

          I was staring at jungkook for almost an hour, he's getting panic because tomorrow is his girlfriend's birthday.

         "Does chaeyoung knows your going to her today?" I ask. He looks at me and shrug his head.

         "It's a surprise hyung." He answered then he fix his hair.

         "Jungkook give this to rosie, this is my gift for her." Jimin said.

        "Yah hyung rosie doesn't need that!" Jungkook said and roll his eyes.

        "What? I asked her what birthday gift she wants and she said she wants a plush toys." Ohh this two.

         "What you talked to my girl without my permission?!" He is so possessive.

        "What's wrong with that? Chae and i are just bestfriends." If i were jimin i would stop before this maknae transform into a beast.

        "And you call her chae? what the fuck jimin hyung d-----"

        "Hey kookie calm down will you? Go to your girlfriend now before its too late. I heard they're going to new york now!" Aisssh jinjja namjon hyung? I want to watch a live boxing! So kill joy.

         "And you taehyung! Stop laughing and watching this two fighting. Go and video call yeontan!"

Park Chaeyoung's POV

       "Pack your things now chaeyoung."

         Jennie unnie went to my hotel room just to remind me to pack my things cause we're now moving to new york!

       Many weeks has passed and those weeks are so amazing! We went on a different countries and show our talents and of course our musics to our lovely blinks.

         "He is not calling huh? Really kook?" I look at my phone and rolled my eyes. The last time he texted and.called me was a weeks ago.

       I don't know if he is just busy but the heck! Jimin oppa texting me everyday but a single hello from jungkook is like a worth of million dollars.


       I'm done packing my things when my phone suddenly vibrated not just once.

         I open it and i felt a little bit of disappointment. I thought it's him, but looks like he really forgot that he has a girlfriend waiting for his texts or calls.

       I check jimin oppa's message. Why do i need to lock my door?

 Why do i need to lock my door?

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