Chapter 1 "Encounter"

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      M0lly had reached a place to stay, though she couldn't bring her weapon in the hotel. She got a room, but the service people were too terrified to do anything for M0lly. The sun was setting, once again, and M0lly went to sleep. The next morning she went to a pharmacy, but she still didn't get any service. She just decided she would just take some penicillin, some chips, spray paint, ciggerates, and left the money on the counter. As soon she got to her car, M0lly painted the Foundation logo with some symbols of her own. As she drove away, she saw some police officers respond to the call one of the store clerks phone call. She took some penicillin pills and suddenly felt a pain in the area she was shot, and saw the whole dressing on the wound was full of black blood. She drove on, to start packing her items in the hotel, and leave, because the police would start finding her anyway. She started eating her bag of chips, but it only made it it worse since all the sodium in it, and she started to endure the stinging in the area. As she drove downtown, saw a bunch of armed people, and they looked like they were gonna kill her easily. Boy where they wrong when they saw her glowing eyes and her face, and started shooting into the vechile she was in, and she started shooting her M9 injuring the gang in the process. Suddenly a bullet his the gas, and M0lly bailed out into the street, injuring her knee in the  process, causing a fire to break out. The explosion caused the person who shot it become unconscious, and M0llys shoulder to be full of glass shards.  A bunch of new's reporters came and recorded her, "Fricken hurts." as M0lly ran out, and a bunch of first responders, she also shot the person that was unconscious. She grabbed a MP5 from one of the injured members of the gang. She was heavily bleeding, and a whole trail of black blood was behind her tracks. She heard some FBI on her trail. She reached a place where she could hide. She started dressing her wound, and plucking out the glass shards in her arm and hands. The burning sensation was starting to to take place. The Whole area was empty, and she thought she could make this place her own, so M0lly went into a house, and started to sleep, with a lot of noise from the pain.

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