Boggart and God father

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Alexandria's POV

I slowly opened my eyes, I'm sure it's swollen and I turned to other side but it was not my bed. No it was not my room nor my roommate.

I saw professor Snape was sleeping on the sofa with very uncomfortable position but still he was not my roommate. I still want my cute Eilin to be my roommate.

I slowly get up and go to my room on my tiptoes luckily I didn't wake him up.

When I entered my room I saw snoring Eilin and sighed with relief. Yes this is my favourite roommate.

Morning's lesson went smoothly in the lunch when I saw high table I felt Severus Snape was looking at me. I quickly turned my face away.

Heck how can I face him when I confessed my crimes, showed my ugly face and borrowed his bed. I don't have that thick face to look at his way.

  After the lunch William and I go to D.A.D.A class
"I heard he is new professor" I inquired about D.A.D.A teacher.

William told me about their previous teachers were all pathetic and this year he prayed for good teacher. When I enter the class there weren't  any desk or chair there were only one wardrobe, boggart wardrobe.

And I feel his werewolf aura I immediately knew he was werewolf because I met some werewolf pack when I traveling around.

"good afternoon students I'm your new teacher Remus Lupin" he said and started calling students name when he said my name I raised my hand he looks at me then his eyes  stayed a moment.

We started discussing about boggart. He told us about boggarts and spell was RIDIKULLUS. My classmates turn their fear into something funny, we lined-up and I think what would be my fear maybe death.

It comes to my turn, suddenly boggart turned into Sirius Black with his prison uniform and shouting ALEXANDRIA, I said 'Ridikullus' but didn't worked I stormed out of classroom still panicked I run to black lake and found Eilin sitting with David when I saw them I hugged Eilin and started crying soon William come to me.

I'm sure I looks horrible but I'm thankful for my friends. For Merlin's sake I'm turning into crybaby. David broke silence and questioned me

"what happened Lexi, you can tell us"

"we were in the D.A.D.A class there were a boggart and mine turned to Sirius Black" they comforted me

"it's okay Lexi you are safe, he sure looks scary on the newspaper. I dreamed about him too" David said trying to comfort me.

"no he will come, he will come to me because..." my voice trailed off

"Lexi don't worry. We are at the Hogwarts. You will be safe" William said and other two nodded their heads

"But he will find me because... I'm his daughter. I'm sure he will kill me" they looked shocked in the moment but remained silent

"Daughter? You mean you are Black?" Eilin asked

"Yes Alexandria Black and Sirius Black is my father"

"it's okay you are safe we will protect you, you are not alone" Eilin hugged me and it turns into group hug how I'm happy to be friends with them

"thank you"

"we will always be there for you tell us everything"

"when he sent to prison I was 3 years old, one years later my mom murdered.
I grow up in the orphanage when I turn 11 I already graduated my high school and started my own business, I actually still running my business we become the top 10th company in the muggle world. In my first year I told Dumbledore about my business idea and he liked it so I take N.E.W.T.S exam and studied at 7th grade, in that year I started Dream Alley" David interrupted me

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