What to say

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Harry's POV
I didn't know what I was going to tell Bella she trusted Dumbledore and the Weasley's she treated them like family. I had to tell her what they were doing because they couldn't get away with it we had to stop them before it gets out of hand. I have to tell Bella that they were using us for fame and for money, I also have to tell Bella about the fake marriage contracts but didn't know how. I still can't believe it they used us I was devastated when I found but I still haven't confronted them.
Bella POV
Harry seemed deep in thought once we reached the Cullen's house and I don't know why we have a sort of twin bond and I can feel his emotions sometimes and right now he was feeling sad, betrayed and angry but I probably wait to ask him.
Edwards POV
Bella and Harry were really deep in thought and I had no idea why we were walking into the house when Esme and Carlisle came to greet us they seemed confused as to who they boy was
" Can you get everyone into the living room we need to tell everybody something" Esme went and called everyone into the living room and we all sat down
Bella POV
Everyone was sitting down I was between Edward and Harry, Alice and Jasper were sitting together and Esme, Carlisle, Rosalie and Emmet were sitting together. " I have something I need to tell everyone" I paused I didn't know what to do, jasper calmed me down as he can control emotions. " This guy here is my twin brother Harry and we are wizards" immediately everyone started asking questions and I was starting to get overwhelmed and my magic started to act up
Harry POV
Bella's magic started to flair up and she was going to hurt someone so I gave her a calming drought hoping it would calm her down. Then Bella asked " Why are you here I thought you weren't allowed to visit me at least that is what Dumbledore said" I didn't know what to tell her all I know is that it was going to be a crazy night

A/N I am writing this at 12 so I'm sorry if it is really bad

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2019 ⏰

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