Flames- Snowtoken

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OC x Canon warning.


ST sat on the steps of Snowball's house, adjusting his black hoodie as he waited. He looked at his phone, sighing. It was about 7 am. Maybe SB was still asleep? He knew Snowball woke up early, sometimes earlier than him. He saw a figure in the distance and squinted, trying to see who it was. As the figure came closer into view, ST noticed the familiar jacket and beanie of his friend. "Snowball!" Despite the cold, he leapt off the porch, running to greet him. ST stopped as he could see SB clearly, taking notice of Snowball's odd expression. He was smiling, but it looked slightly pained- ST decided not to question this. "Heya, Silver. Whatcha doin out so early?" Snowball asked, looking down at his shorter teammate. "Oh, I was just wondering if I could come over. Bored, and Pen's still asleep." ST smiled up at him, answering his question happily. Snowball nodded in return. "Sure, why not? It'll be nice to have some company for once.." Snowball smiled warmly at his fellow teammate, leading him toward the house as he flipped out his keys and unlocked the door. "After you."

ST stepped inside, noticing how surprisingly neat the house was. The walls were painted a light blue, a TV fastened o the wall. "Wow. You've got a nice place." SB stepped behind him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "Yeah, I know." This gesture caused ST to blush lightly, unsure how to react. He was honestly surprised. Snowball never got this close with anyone, not even Blocky. But hey. He wasn't complaining.

He'd always had a crush on the taller male, ever since the beginning of BFDI. When he got the chance to join as a recommended character, he was disappointed to see he wouldn't have gotten in. But during BFDIA, he'd gotten to talk with Snowball a lot more in the TLC. When BFB started, he was glad to finally have been released.. with all the others, he'd gotten cramped. At least he got to set up his best friend with his crush. He loved seeing the two together. Pen and Eraser were meant for each other.. he was pretty sure SB agreed.

"Yo, ST? Wanna get some food? You look hungry." SB's voice broke into his thoughts, causing him to jump slightly. "Huh? Oh, yeah! I'd love that." Snowball smiled at his response, leading him to the kitchen. "I can whip up some pancakes if you want. Or we have muffins." He held up a 6-pack of chocolate chip muffins, before passing them to ST. "Wanna split them?"

ST nodded, opening the package and taking a muffin. Biting into it, he smiled. "Wow these are good- where'd you get them?" "Ah, just at the grocery store." Snowball took a muffin for himself, finishing it in a few bites. "So, wanna watch a movie after this? I've got candy and popcorn too." ST again nodded. "Hell yeah!" Snowball walked into the kitchen, grabbing a package of popcorn and popping it in the microwave. After a few minutes it was done. "You can have your choice of candy. I've got plenty." He said, removing the heated package from the microwave. As he did this, his sleeve fell slightly, revealing what looked to be burn marks-

"Snowball?? Are you okay?!" ST jumped up, concerned. SB jumped in surprise, quickly pulling down his sleeve. "Ah, it's just some minor burns. Nothing to be worried about. I'm alright." He smiled, reassuring his friend. "Okay... good. How'd you get them?"

Snowball paused. "Uhm- long story short, I like to set things on fire. ...For fun." He almost seemed embarrassed as he said this, looking away with the same strange grin on his face. "Bud, if you're a pyromaniac, who's to judge? Just don't set me on fire." SB laughed a bit. "Alright, whatever you say." SB poured the popcorn into a bowl, grabbing a bag of assorted candy as he made his way to the living room. ST finished eating and soon joined him, sitting down on the cushiony blue couch. "You've got a soft couch." ST commented, earning a chuckle from Snowball. "I know, right? Anyway, your pick on movie." ST grabbed the remote, flipping through movies until he found Saw III. "Of course, I'm going to pick this." He turned it on, grabbing a snickers bar as he leaned back into the couch. SB wrapped his arm around him, smiling happily as he watched the movie. ST leaned into him, causing Snowball to blush a light blue.

About halfway through the movie, ST decided to finally make a move and lay his head on Snowball's shoulder.

SB was a blushy mess at this point, trying hard not to become flustered. He wanted to make a move as well, but his nervousness was getting the best of him. The truth was he'd felt the same way toward ST, but tried to hide it. Match and Lightning knew it was obvious, and teased him frequently. "Hold up, let me take off my jacket so it's more comfortable." ST sat up, and Snowball quickly removed his jacket, laying back on the couch so ST could lay back on his shoulder. As SB wrapped his arm around ST, he noticed burn scars lining the taller male's arms. "Geez.. you really scarred yourself, huh?" ST said quietly as he gently grabbed his wrist.

Snowball suddenly looked away, his cheeks bright blue. "Dammit ST, how are you so cute?" ST heard this and blushed, smiling a little with surprise. "I dunno, how are you so attractive?" It was Snowball's turn to be surprised as he looked back at ST, a happy smile on his face. "You really think so?" ST nodded, but was cut off as Snowball suddenly pressed his lips to ST's. Both boys' faces were bright with blush, as SB soon pulled away. "Well, I guess that's self-explanatory." ST pulled him into a hug. "I had no idea you felt the same way. You didn't seem to be interested in me that way, so I had no idea-" "Shh." SB put a finger to his lips, silencing him. "Who wouldn't? You're adorable. You've got the softest hair and the prettiest orange eyes. Who wouldn't love you?" He ran his fingers through ST's brown hair, brushing his silver-tinted bangs out of his eyes. "Well, Lollipop, for one," He laughed slightly. "But she only hates me because I'm trans." Snowball smiled. "Her opinion doesn't matter, you know. She's only interested in being snobby to everyone. You're perfect, Silver."

ST smiled, leaning into him again as Snowball hugged him close. "I love you." He muttered, ST smiling in return. "I love you too."


A few hours later, they went on their first unofficial date.

Snowball took ST to the forest, his lighter in his pocket as usual. "Wanna see something pretty?" He asked, smiling as he walked beside him. "Yeah!" ST eagerly replied, as Snowball stopped near an area with a few trees around. He pulled out his lighter, flicking the flame out as he set it near the bark of the tree. He stepped back as flames engulfed the tree, sending a pretty mix of yellow and orange into the sky. "Stay back, there's smoke." SB warned his boyfriend, stepping back to watch the fire burn.

"Okay, that's cool." ST commented, watching the flames lick the air. "This is what I do most mornings." Snowball said, smiling back at ST. "It's fun."

After an hour or so they began walking back to Snowball's house, ST amazed and happy with the experience he just earned. As the couple made it inside, they sat back down on the couch and decided to call it a day. Hopefully nobody would bother them.. oh well.

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