What's missing?

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Maisie's POV
My name is Maisie, Maisie Lockwood, and I'm now 17 years old, five years ago I was 12 years old with a grandfather who actually turned out to be my father, he cloned me because apparently I died in a car crash, all these years he's been lying saying that it was my mother, but I guess he didn't want to scare me so I understand why it was done, he missed me, that's why it happened. After everything that happened at my father's Estate, I've been feeling like something was missing. I live with Owen Grady and Claire Dearing, although she's going to be Claire Grady soon because they're engaged now and I'm happy for them. I decided that one day, when they go off on this trip that they've been planning to go to, just the two of them and I understand why, they've never had time to be just them for a while so I understood. Anyways, I decided I'm going to go back to the Lockwood Manor so I can find out what's missing.

Time skip, brought to you by Maisie riding an Indoraptor's back

"Bye Maisie, we will be back next week, we promise" Owen says

"I know you guys will, hope you two have fun," I say

"Thank you for understanding why we wanted it to be just the two of us, we just never had time to just be the two of us and-" Claire says and I interrupt "Claire it's fine, really! I promise I will keep the place nice and clean for when you guys get back"

Claire and Owen thank me and give me a quick hug before they depart. After they drive off, I start to get ready, time to find out what this feeling of miss is actually meaning, or....... trying to tell me? God I'm getting myself confused! Time to find out

Time skip (cause I'm lazy) brought to you by Owen and Claire making out in a beach hut

This is it, no going back. As I reached the entrance of the gates to the Lockwood Manor, I felt a wave of nerve hit me, I don't know why I felt that but I started to walk towards the door.

"Here goes nothing"

I put my hand on the door knob and twist, the door opens and I walk in, my long brown hair got in my way as the wind kept coming through the windows, thankfully I carry hair bands with me, I tie my hair up in to a bun. I walk around and I notice the one thing that I NEVER noticed throughout the years I lived here. I wooden door underneath the stairs, how did I not notice this? Here I was, in this house, being adventurous and curious and not once have I noticed this door, oh well, better look now ain't I.
After I opened the door, the stuff I saw, I knew immediately who it belonged to. All these science gadgets mini test tube looking pods, that's right, Mr.Henry Wu himself is who this stuff belongs to. Of course , me being curious, I start scavenging through everything, EVERYTHING!

2 hours later

After scavenging, I found something that looked like a report on different "tests", again I'm curious so I look inside, and what I find leaves me frozen in shock, I figure that this is the thing that's been missing.

There is.......

Hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter, if you did let me know in the comments what you thought and some ideas for chapter 2.
That's all for now guys, remember to subscribe to YouTube channel to check out my art videos.
Alpha WolfArtist 1503

Take care guys, byee~!

Jurassic World: More Than One (Indoraptor X Maisie Lockwood) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now