
17 1 2

"Tom, please." Trinity begged.
"No. I have to do this, Trinny." Tom Riddle replied.
"I'll tell Mrs. Cole."
"You wouldn't dare."
"Okay, you're right, I wouldn't, but please give Oliver his yo- yo back."
"No. He laughed at you."

Trinity sighed. Yesterday, she had fallen into a muddy puddle and was soaked from head to toe. Oliver, another boy at Wool's orphanage, had laughed his socks off at the sight of her. She had cried for hours afterwards. Tom, her best friend, had stolen Oliver's yo- yo with no sign of returning it, in revenge of what he did to his friend.
"It's nothing.. Only a little laugh. Oh, please Tom!"
"It's not nothing. I heard you crying afterwards."
"You heard..?"
Tom nodded. "I hear everything."

That was the weird thing about Tom Riddle. He spoke random things. He could do anything.. It was almost magic... Weird things had happened to Trinity too, but it seemed like Tom could control it.

"Tom, the others always laugh at me. I'm used to it."
"You shouldn't be. It's not your fault your hair changes colour."
That was the thing. The others did always laugh at Trinity, some would call it bullying. Her hair could change colour.. Well, she could change her whole appearance, but she wouldn't let the others know that, they would only make her life more miserable.
"You just need to learn to control it."

She snapped. "You think I don't know that already?! You tell me that every. Single. Day!" She felt her hair turn red, but ignored it. "You're so annoying sometimes, Tom Riddle!"
He just looked at her. She usually had these little outbursts, but calmed down almost immediately after.
"I'm sorry..." And she had calmed down already. Her hair faded into a baby blue.

"You didn't eat breakfast." Tom stated.
"I wasn't hungry."
Tom sighed.

There was a knock on the door.
"Tom, Trinity. There is somebody here to see you.." Mrs Cole's muffled voice said through the door.
Trinity opened the door for the guest."Good morning, Sir." She said and sat back down on the bed, taking in the guest's exuberant plum suit.
"Thank you, Trinity." The guest said.
She nodded. Tom rolled his eyes. "I am Professor Dumbledore-"
"Professor?" Tom asked suspiciously. "You're... You're from the asylum! You're here to look at me! Aren't you?!"
"Tom calm down.." Trinity said cautiously.
He scoffed. "You can talk! Having a tantrum about something or other every other day!"
She looked away, offended, just as Professor Dumbledore spoke again. "No, I am not from an asylum and I am not here to look at you. I am from a school. A school of magic." Trinity looked back at Professor Dumbledore, shocked and confused. Her hair changed from baby blue to a light grey. "Ah, I see you are a Metamorphmagus, Trinity."
"I'm sorry, Sir, I don't really understand what you mean." Trinity replied.
"A Metamorphmagus is a person that can change their appearance at will. Sometimes, colours react to the person's emotions."
She nodded, understanding. So that was what she could do? Magic? And Tom too?

"You said you came from a school of magic." Tom said, Professor Dumbledore nodded. "Then prove it."
"Certainly." Professor Dumbledore answered, before pulling what looked like a thin stick of wood out of his waistcoat pocket and flicking it, setting the wardrobe on fire. Trinity moved away from the wardrobe, in fear of being burnt to death.

Tom let out a roar of rage. Natural, considering it was his wardrobe and not hers. Professor Dumbledore flicked the stick again, and the flames disappeared as suddenly as they had came. Trinity stared in shock, but then confusion as she heard a faint rattling noise from inside the wardrobe.
"I think something wants to come out, Tom. Is there anything in there that doesn't belong to you?" Professor Dumbledore asked, how did he know?
Tom stood up and walked to the wardrobe. "Maybe." He said plainly, opening the wardrobe and pulling a plain box out. He set it on the bed and opened it, Trinity was shocked to see all the things that Tom had stolen in the box. Oliver's yo- yo. Marissa's ring. Timmy's thimble.. The list went on.
"Thievery is not tolerated at Hogwarts, Tom. I expect you to give all these items back to their owners with your sincere apologies. I shall know if you haven't." Professor Dumbledore warned. Tom nodded, put the lid back on the box, and sat back down.

"Letters will be sent to you both shortly. I shall be accompanying you both to Diagon Alley." Professor Dumbledore said.
"We don't need you to." Tom said quickly.
Trinity looked at Tom. "Don't be stupid." She said. "Of course we do, we don't know anything about the magical world."
Tom looked at Trinity. "We can find out."
Trinity felt her hair turning red and her temper rising.
"Fine." Tom agreed quickly, not wanting Trinity to get angry in front of the guest. "We'll go with him."
"Thank you." Trinity said, calming down and feeling her hair turn baby blue.

"Then it is settled. I shall accompany you both to Diagon Alley shortly after your Hogwarts letters arrive." Professor Dumbledore stood up. The two eleven year olds nodded. Trinity stood up and held the door open for Professor Dumbledore. "Thank you Trinity." He praised, then left.

That night Trinity lay in her own bed, staring up at the ceiling. Hogwarts. Metamorphmagus. Magic. Diagon Alley. She repeated the words in her head as though to confirm she wasn't crazy. She fell asleep smiling, thinking of what lay ahead for her and her best friend.

This chapter honestly took ages to write. I've been working on this since about November and I would really appreciate it if you'd vote and comment ideas. Thanks for reading 😁. - Ella.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2019 ⏰

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