Chapter 26

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Song: I'm Yours by Jason Mraz

Chapter 26

-Rosalie Stevens-

Hunter was watching me eat, which was somewhat creepy but I pretended to not notice. He had this adoring look in his eyes that just always seemed to suck me in.


"Yeah?" I asked, swallowing my food.

"What do you wanna do today?" he asked me. "We can do anything you want." Hunter smiled shyly and brought his lips together tightly, looking back down at his food. Hunter was always doing these cute little facial expressions and hand movements when he talked, and I loved all of them. Like during an interview when he'd get all nervous and start stuttering, or when he laughed how crinkles formed on the outer edges of his eyes. I was still taking in all of his reactions when he was waiting for my answer.


"Oh right." I said, clearing my throat. "I um, we can go anywhere. I don't care." I said, leaning back into my seat. "I mean it's not like I don't want to go anywhere with you but-"

"Don't worry." he laughed. "I was kind of hoping you would say that."

"How so?" I said, narrowing my eyes.

"I had an idea." he smirked, leaning forward. "But I'm not telling you."

"Hunter." I sighed, giggling at the end.


"Your hoodie strings are getting in your food." at this he launched back, picking up his powdered sugar and strawberry syrup covered strings.

"Crap." he muttered.

"Don't worry about it Hunter." I laughed. "Lets just pay, and go to where ever you planned on." Hunter nodded and started to get his wallet. I reached into my purse for my own.

"No Aizy, I got it."

"I can at least pay for my food." I protested, opening it up.

"Well it was my idea to come to this restaurant."

"Well I'm the one who ordered a Dutch pancake."

"Well I'm the one who decided to come to Amsterdam."

"But I'm the one who caused you to go to Amsterdam." I got him there, or at least I thought.

"But I'm the one who's crazy for you, and with that said-" he smacked a credit card on the table. "-I'm paying."

"That's not fair." I huffed.

"Love isn't fair."

"This isn't the time for your creative words Hunter." I giggled.

"Right." he laughed. "Lets get going then." Hunter got up and took my hand, guiding me out of the restaurant.

~Hunter Hayes-

I was seriously stoked to see her reaction to where we were going, I knew she was going to like it, right?

The taxi pulled up to our destination, Rosalie look out her window.

"Artis Zoo?"

"Yes! They have penguins here!"

"I love penguins!" she exclaimed, unbuckling her seat belt and getting out with me.

"This is so nice." I said, she nodded in agreement. The zoo was beautifully decorated, and included with it there was an aquarium and planetary.


We spent probably forever in that zoo, and by the time we saw everything, it was way past lunchtime.

"You hungry?" I asked her.

"Yeah definitely." she replied, brushing some hair away from her face.

"What are you in the mood for?" my hand brushed against hers, and surprisingly, she grabbed onto it, intertwining her fingers with mine.

"I don't know... I'm kind of in the mood for ice cream." Rosalie suggested, looking down shyly because she hadn't suggested that we go and actually eat something.

"I think that sounds perfect." I smiled. We walked around a bit before finally finding a place that sold ice cream. After purchasing two cones, we sat down at a nearby table.



"What do you think we are?" I asked nervously, of course I wouldn't ask this question on a normal basis but, I just had to know.

"I... I don't know, what do you mean by 'us'.?" she asked me, I shrugged.

"I mean like, in real life, outside of our whole deal."

"I guess were friends..." she started off slowly.

"Would you want it to be something more?" I blurted, want to smack myself right after I said that. She said she wants to be friends dummy! Rosalie blinked at my unexpected question, and I attempted to cover it up "Because I would love it if we were, but if you don't want it to be like that it's ok, it's just that-" I was cut off by Rosalie pressing her lips to mine. This kiss wasn't anything like previous ones we shared when in public. Those ones were sort of pathetic and short, but this was different. I kissed her back, putting as much passion in it as the public eye would limit me too. We pulled away from each other, slightly out of breath, and I leaned my forehead against hers. "It's just that you're so beautiful and amazing, I just don't know how I would've gotten out of this whole thing without you, Rose." I finished from when she cut me off, and this made her smile.

"I don't know what I'd do with out you either, Hayes."


"Yesss?" she dragged out the 's' teasing me for asking her name so many times.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked her, she departed foreheads.

"I don't know... I'm already in a relationship with some guy named Hunter." she pondered.

"Oh come on, he doesn't have to know." I suggested, chuckling.

"I guess you're right, I'll fake breakup with the loser right now." she looked me into the eyes and rested her hands on my shoulders. "Hunter I'm leaving you for another guy." she giggled, unable to keep a serous face.

"So you're mine then?"

"Yes Hunter, I'm yours."



I'm really trying to update ASMAP, but high school is hard man D:



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