The fight

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Pidges POV

They were every were! The droids! Every time we tried killing one they'd disappear! Eventually we killed one.
But then the droids started to fight harder.
After ages of trying to kill them some wich(srry its spelled wrong:( ) sowed up! HAGGAR!!! "Get ready!!!!" Shouted Keith they are got ready. In her wicked voice she said "one of y'all are going to die. Either today or right NOW!!!!"  She shot at them all.
*this is in season 8 so that's why this is about to happen*
The remembered that zethrid had said "everyone had a sold spot for the small one"
She stared to mainly aim at pidge.
At one point she hit her on the side!
"UGH!!" Groaned pidge as she fell to the ground. "My job is done.....for now..." haggar said.
Every one gathered around pidge "is she going to be ok" said lance

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