The tale of Glub Glub

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"Hello," Miggins said with the wave of her hand.

"Heyyo!" Ravu said with a large grin.

"Whats going on in your neck of the woods?" Miggins asked as she put her hand down. Ravu's grin fell as she thought of her words.

"Nothing much but my gold fish ran away," Ravu answered finally. Miggins felt a tear roll down her cheek as she heard the response.

"Really?! I loved Glub Glub!" She bawled as she crumpled to the floor in uncontrollable sobs. Ravu then felt her own tears fall down her face.

"I'll avenge you Glub Glub!" Ravu screamed, falling to the ground, her sobs shaking her. Miggins looked back to Ravu, an Evil smirk across her face.

"But it was I who lured your fish away!" Miggins stood, laughing evilly, her arms extended. Ravu froze in pure shock, even her tears stopped moving as she looked up at Miggins.

"You-he-I-Glub-away!" Ravu couldn't even form a sentance before she shot up and jumped out the first story window, hopping onto her unicorn as she rode off into the woods, shaking with rge and sorrow.

"Not so fast Ravu!" Miggins screamed, as she followed Ravu out the window, catching a ride with the Flash and cornering Ravu. Miggins laughed evilly as she pulled out a gun and pointed it at Ravu's head. With a smirk tugging at Ravu's lips she pressed a button on her unicorns back, pointing nine motion triggered guns at Miggins. Miggins froze, a small smirk crawled across her face.

"Awe, you're no fun," she teased, "but you haven't outsmarted me yet!" she yelled as a bunch of ninjas, faster then the speed of light, swooped out of nowhere and knocked out all of the guns, and before Ravu even had time to react, one had her in a headlock, its sword pressed up against her neck.

Ravu paled as her erratic heartbeat could possibly be heard in China. Then, one hundred, giant gold fish, came stampeding into the woods, crashing into the ninjas and one, the largest one, swallowed Miggins whole. Ravu stared at the heard until one emerged from the crowd, making its way to Ravu.

"GLUB GLUB!!" Ravu screamed, tears of joy flowing down her face as she hugged her long lost fish, covering her in a think layer of slime.

Miggins scowled at the pickle she had gotten herself into, she pulled out her knife and cut her way out of the fish. Miggins saw Ravu hugging Glub Glub, and was about to go ruin their moment, when one of her ninja Friends showed up.

"What do we do now boss?" he questioned, Miggins pointed at Ravu and Glub Glub, he nodded and disappeared. Miggins watched a blur next to the fish, and the next thing she new, Glub Glub was laying on the ground, as were the other fish, and there Ravu sat, in the pool of blood.

"You... You Monster!!" Ravu screamed through her sob, as she looked through the bloodied forest, the bodies of giant fish strewn everywhere.

"Hey, don't blame me, I was just giving you what you diserved," Miggins stated, sticking her tongue out, until suddenly, her face turned cold and stoney, "That's right, I figured you out, did you really think you could get away with kidnapping Hale Biscuit?" she scowled.

Ravu Paled.

"I-it's not- I didn't mean too- she stabbed my eye!" Ravu retorted.

"Oh Hale!" Miggins called, a ninja stepped out from behind a tree, removing her mask and revealing her long lushes blonde locks.

"You called?" she questioned eagerly.

"Yes Hale, could you please enlighten us to exactly what happened last Tuesday?" Noggins asked, Hale's face grew pale as she shuddered, before nodding slowly.

"I was crossing the street, so I could go to the giraffe zoo, when Ravu, as reckless as she drives, HIT ME WITH HER CAR!! Knocking me unconscious, and when I woke up, I was in her basement, tied to a banana, she fed me stale Doritos and tried to convince me not to press charges, and I was like, Hell Nah!!"

"But you never did, and I thank you for that," Ravu said, wiping the tears from her eyes. Hale smiled softly, then burst out laughing, gaining amused stares from everyone.

"I just remembered a funny joke," Hale giggled, "It goes like this, I like to put things off, I live really far away from the courthouse, and that drive is really boring, I could never forgive someone who tried to force feed me stale Doritos," she snapped, "I was planning to press charges this afternoon, when Miggins invited me to come help kill your fish, and I must say, I had a blast," Hale smirked, before throwing down a smoke bomb and disappearing into the forest.

"In a way, I just saved you from jail," Miggins smirked wickedly.

"I think I would rather go to jail, then have Glub Glub dead," Ravu snapped, the hot prickle of tears packed at the back of her eyes.

"Well Hale wanted you to suffer," Miggins retorted, slowly raising her arm, as if she were to throw a smoke bomb.

Ravu's face hardened into a deathly glare as she watched Miggins.

"We'll go on then, run away you scardy catfish!" Ravu said, blinded by a white hot rage.

"I wasn't going to run, look my hands are empty," Miggins showed Ravu her palms, Ravu's face suddenly drained of blood.

"Th-then wh-what do y-you pl-plan to d-d-do?" Ravu's asked shakily, Miggins let a small smirk crawl across her face.

"Don't you already know?" Miggins teased.

Ravu thought long and hard, yet she seemed to know nothing, like during a test.

"No I don't," Ravu said, keeping her guard.

"I pity you sometimes, let me give you a hint," Miggins wiggled one of her fingers, her pointer finger.

Ravu's eyes widened, her face drained of blood, making sure Miggins didn't see, she slipped her ring onto her finger.

"Wh-what're you going to do?" Ravu whimpered, her voice shaking.

"You've already figured it out haven't you?" Miggins questioned, Ravu followed Miggins eyes to her ring and snarled. Then as fast as lightning, Miggins brought her hand to her mouth and bit down, disappearing into a cloud of smoke with a clap of thunder. When the smoke cleared, all Ravu saw was Miggins totally awesome B.A. Titan body.

Ravu followed suit and sliced her thumb on the slit of metal sticking out of her ring. A clap of thunder and a puff of smoke later, there they were, both girls, fitted in there Titan bodies.

Miggins the Titan, swung her big Titan fist at Ravu's big Titan head, knocking Ravu to the ground and making both her head and Miggins' hand flare with smoke.

During the battle, when Ravu was getting back on her feet and preparing to throw the next punch, she felt a sharp pain in the nape of her neck, her eyes closed, and when she opened them, she was staring at muscles, ligaments, and bones, and more than that, she felt an exploding pain in her upper back, then everything faded away, sound, smell, sight, pain....

Miggins watched in confusion as Ravu's Titan body collapsed mid punch, she noticed Ravu's injured body sticking out of her Titan, it looked like she had been cut out. That was when she saw it, when she saw Glub Glub, with 3D maneuver gear on, as he flew behind Miggins' head, a sharp pain exploded throughout her neck, when everything faded away.

Halie's POV

"Yes! That's it! That's it!" I screamed as I jumped out of my seat and did a happy dance. I had been working on that short story for over a year now, and it was finally done!

"Halie, stop screaming!" Mom yelled from my doorway, "and clean up this room! It's disgusting!" She scolded, "there are Doritos bags everywhere! And I know you like ninjas, but you have to clean this stuff up sometimes!"

"Fine," I sighed.

"So what were you doing?" Mom asked, taking a step into the room.

"NOTHING!" I screamed, throwing all of my hard work out the window in front of my desk.

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