Lost (1)

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Stiles lost. He lost everyone. Everyone he has ever cared for is gone. His friends, his mom, his dad, all gone. It has only been a few hours since the funeral. Their funeral. Scott's, Lydia's, Allison's, Aiden's, Ethan's, Issac's, Erica's, Boyd's, Derek's, his dad's, even Peter's and Deaton's. All dead. All because of him. All because he wasn't strong enough. All because he couldn't beat the nogistune. All because he wasn't good enough.

Stiles threw his bag into his beloved jeep. He was leaving. Leaving Beacon Hills, his home, forever. Stiles sighed looking back at his childhood home, for the last time. Tears silently made their way down his face, Stiles made no move to stop them. Pulling out a crumpled piece of paper, a scowl painted over the boy's face. A birth certificate.

Birth father: Daniel Colter (Deceased)

Birth mother: Regina Mills

Birthdate: April 8, 1994

Adoptive parents: Claudia Stilinski (deceased)

Adoptive father: John Stilinski

Stiles cried harder. He would have to change that his adoptive father is dead. Not living and breathing, like he should be. Stiles crumpled the paper while jumping into his jeep. Turning on the ignition, Stiles grumbled. He had researched his birth mother but there was nothing. And by nothing, Stiles meant nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada. She didn't exist. So, Stiles decided to drive. Drive until he had to stop. And then drove more.


Hi! I know! This is really depressing. I've been listening to the same sad song for six hours straight so I'm a little depressed. Oops.

Anyways! I started a new book! As you can tell, it is a Once Upon a Time and Teen Wolf cross over.

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