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"Daddy where are you going?" I look at Nico through the mirror and smile.

"I have to go out to work pumpkin. We all do, so I'm going to leave you with a friend of mine, he has a girlfriend that would love to meet you and play with you so don't worry you won't be here alone, you can take kookie with you too" I see her frown.

"No daddy don't go, I don't want you to go. I'll be lonely without you daddy. Please don't go" she pleads with her big puppy eyes.

I sigh as I finish tying my tie. I turn to her and wrap my arms around her small waist.

"Baby it'll only be for a few hours I promise I'll be back before you know it" I peck her lips.

She shakes her head, tears forming in her precious eyes.

"No daddy! Don't go!" She sniffles.

"Baby, I have to. You know daddy doesn't want to leave but he has to, I'm sorry beautiful. How about I bring you some snacks after I get out-"

"I don't want snacks! I want daddy to stay home!" She shouts while tears pour out of her eyes.

I start growing agitated with her persistence.

"Now Baby, don't shout at daddy" I say in a stern voice.

"I'll shout at daddy if I want to! Daddy needs to stay home with me!" She shouts again while plopping down in the fluffy white carpet of my room.

I groan.


"Daddy doesn't love me!" She sobs loudly.

"Baby don't say that. Daddy loves you so much. Don't be unfair with me now sweetheart. You know I can't stay here with you, next time I'll-"


"No?" I raise an eyebrow at her.

She shakes her head, hot tears still spilling out of her eyes.

"No!" She repeats huffing.

I nod poking my inner cheek with my tongue.

"Okay" I say calmly.

I go to her room and pack a backpack for her.

I grab kookie and put her pink leash on.

I walk back into my room.

"Get up Nico, I don't have time to deal with you're little fits today. You're going to sit in that car right now- and you better not cry or you'll get punished when we get home" i say angrily.

She glares at me as she gets up and snatches the backpack and leash from me.

She stomps her way downstairs.

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