428 10 1

patty was comfortably positioned beneath the covers, his eyes staring deeply into the popcorn ceiling above him, waiting for his love to return home. ben was out at work, staying late once again, for reasons unknown as they so often were, leaving his boyfriend alone in their one bedroomed apartment. alone with a foggy mind that yearned for his lover.

it was 10:24pm, the red light from the blinking numbers beside him reflected on the beige ceiling. and when he turned around to see the flashing digits in a readable light, he saw that time stamp displayed. he was reaching tiredness; he could tell, for it was beginning to become obvious. it wouldn't be long before his eyes would decide to droop, and the hands of sleep would start to pull him down ever-so-slowly. but patty had to stay awake, had to be ready for when ben came home. because when his boyfriend walks in, patty wants to be able to say "i love you" before ben crawls in beside him and drifts into a slumber of his own. he would feel quite guilty in the morning if he does not deliver the sentence tonight, since it is one he must distribute every evening before he drifts off.

so he kept his eyes peeled open by flicking his vision from one wall to the one across, and mouthing numbers from 100 down to 1. they were both habits taught to him by his mother at a young age, and he would use them until the day he dies, for they are an expert at distracting him in times like this.

it only took a few minutes for him to discern a creak from across the hall, a sound that confirmed the entrance of someone, followed by hands quietly removing a pair of shoes. footsteps from the unseen creature were then heard as they got closer and closer to where the black haired boy dwelled. they were purposely soft, patty knew, for ben had a feeling his love was asleep.

"love?" a voice croaked from behind the closed wood, a sound barely above a whisper, testing to see if the man was lost in a snooze.

"angel?" the other responded, beckoning for the barrier to be unfastened. and it did indeed gasp open, revealing slowly a sliver of the opener, a blonde pale figure.

"you're awake." an obvious observation, a first thought, being said aloud.

"it appears so," patty replied, a small smile edging at his lips. he proceeded to adjust himself to as where he was sitting upright, allowing ben to see a clearer view of his frame. the blonde took this as an invitation to enter the room, so he slid between the door and wall, blocking out as much natural light as he could, for he didn't want to hurt the younger boy's eyes. he strode across the wood flooring, stopping once he found himself at the edge of the shared mattress.

"lay with me," patty mumbled to the wall in front of him, "i would love for your arms to be around me." he felt the bed dip as he finished off his sentence, his lover was crawling atop the blankets before his mouth had the chance to close.

"of course."

"how was work?" the question rolled out of patty's mouth, simply stated since it was routine. ben would return from a stressful period of time spent at his lazy job, and his boy would inquire the specifics of how it went with merely three words, sometimes more, but with always the same meaning.

"sweetheart, is it even important?" ben asked, pushing himself closer to as where he was pressed up against patty, his right arm falling loosely atop his partner, whilst his left dug beneath his side. "it was the same as always, filled with just thoughts of being with you."

"you should take me one day," the younger stated, laughing slightly at the stupidity of the utterance. there was no possibility of ben bringing his beloved into his office, since there was no one but him and his boss allowed inside those walls.

"you know i'd love to."

ben's leg proceeded to wrap themselves around the other's thighs, causing a small hum. patty turned over slowly, rolling against ben's clothed skin. the bed squeaked from his sudden movements, filling up the silence with words of its own.

black hair flopped atop patty's pale skin, and ben felt his fingers move to wipe it away, revealing the beautiful crystals in his eyes. the older took a moment to bask in the glory in front of him, the wondrous colour his irises held, the magnificent hues glowing against the dark. there was a god hidden beneath his sclera, and ben could see it peeking through.

"you're so-my god you're so damn pretty," ben whispered, moving his lips toward his lovers neck, placing the pink skin atop. "so, so beautiful." it was true, ben was astounded by the looks of his partner, every detail shocked him more and more everyday. and it seemed each second he noticed another feature that made patty stick out in the most magnificent way.

"you're making me blush, darling."


patty positioned his head to where his cheek was on top of ben's, and ben proceeded to fix his lips so that they fell back below his chin.

he started to leave small kisses across the other's jawline, slow gestures of appreciation making a trail atop patty's flesh. the markings caused a grin the play at patty's mouth, for the sensation was wondrous to him. ben's lips climbed up the side of his face, ascending higher towards his closed eyelids. once he reached there, he proceeded to lay kisses over his eyelashes as they fluttered shut.

"go to bed," ben murmured once he reached the top of patty's cranium, leaving little love bites on his forehead as well. "and have the most swell sleep."

"sleep will feel like heaven with your arms wrapped around my waist," patty murmured in response, too drowsy to think of something more clever, "and knowing that i'll wake up next to you, that, that makes everything.." he trailed off, somnolent languish covering him up and taking him over. ben found this overwhelmingly cute, cracking a smile as he stared down at the one he so gratefully called his.

"i love you."

and with that, ben snuggled up as close as he could, because the warmth he was given from this was all he needed to doze off.

AN//: okay okay fucking sue me , i'm doing this again . i just ,, love pen ? like , i'm sorry ? i don't want to , but i do ?

and yes i completely respect that ben has a wife and i truly love georgina with all my heart , which is why she won't be apart of any of this :)

anywho , i hate myself for this , but whatever .

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