The Arrival

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I put my phone back in my pocket and brought the dogs in going to look for Lillie. I found her on the couch in the living room pouting at her phone.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"Nothing really. That was just the shortest conversation ever. He was basically rushing to get off the phone so he could pack and finish up some paperwork." She replied.
"Oh honey don't be so sad. Remember that the whole reason he's rushing to get things done is so that he can see you tomorrow. One more day and you'll be in his arms and all will be right in the world again" I proclaimed dramatically making her laugh.
"Alright alright, you have a point. Are you ready to go shopping?"
"Yes ma'am. What car do you wanna take?" I asked.
"As much as I wanna say the Challenger because I love her so much, we should probably take the Escalade. There's more room for all the stuff we need to get."
"Mmmkay do u wanna go start her while I get my shoes on?"
"You got it!" She said taking off to get the keys.
"That girl is something else." I laughed to myself. She couldn't drive. The idea of it terrified her, but she LOVED my cars. It was cute how excited she got when I let her pick what we were gonna take for the day.
I made my way to the kitchen and filled up a tumbler with sweet tea for myself, then grabbed one for Lillie because I KNOW she didn't think to grab a drink. We would probably stop somewhere later to grab something but living in the middle of nowhere meant the closest mall was an hour and a half drive away and she ALWAYS complains that she's thirsty on the way there. I threw on my shoes and we were on our way.

5 1/2 hours later
We had been shopping for four hours and I was completely over it. My lack of sleep and the billion outfits Lillie made me try on had me exhausted. But at least we found a dope bed set for Jay and we got everything that the guys needed for now.
We were finally on our way home when Lillie spoke up.
"Sooooooo are we gonna talk about the Bryan thing or no?" She asked hesitantly.
"I mean we can but there's not really much to talk about" I said.
"What do you even mean there's not much to talk about?!? The boy was practically dry humping some random chick I'm public for the whole world to see knowing full well he had you at home! Who even does that! And how the fuck are you so chill about this? Yo if Simon ever did that to me I'd completely lose my shit. You give the boy the world and he does you like that? It's all just so dirty Kali." She ranted
"Okay first, Simon would NEVER do that to you. The boy is head over heels in love with you. Second, there's no point in losing my shit over a situation I'm not even all that upset about. Like I loved him yeah but I don't think I was ever really IN love with him ya know? I knew he had a reputation before I ever even messed with him. I took a chance and one thing kinda led to another and now here we are. That was my bad. Lesson learned. I'm more pissed that he thought he was just gonna play me like that. All I ever asked of him was to be real with me. So no I'm not gonna be messy about it. Besides, what I did was way worse." I laughed
" Ooohhh what did you do?"
"Girl I cut him off completely. No cash, no bills paid, no more car, no nothing. Then I blocked his number."
" Oh shit! But aren't you worried he's gonna show up pissed? I'd be terrified."
"Nah not really. If he shows up I can hold my own for the most part. I figure he'll be pissed for a while and run his mouth cause that's what he's best at then move on and try to find someone else to take advantage of."
"I guess so. Just be careful okay?"
"Always. So are you excited about tomorrow?" I asked changing the subject.
"Oh my God yes!! I can't wait to see him. I miss him so freaking much!"
"Oh girl don't I know it" I laughed.
"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked as I realized it was starting to rain.
"Nothing really. You just talk about him all the time so there's no way I wouldn't know you miss him"
" I'm sorry. I know it gets annoying. It's just hard when you love someone so much and you want to spend the rest of your lives together but he's all the way on the other side of the planet."
"Honey, do NOT apologize for that. I absolutely love how much you love him. I love how happy he makes you and how much he loves you back. The two of you are actual relationship goals. I just gotta give you a hard time sometimes." I teased.
"Mmmkay if you say so. Yooooooo! I just had a whole epiphany!!!" She said with sudden enthusiasm.
"And what was this epiphany?"
"You're single now!!!"
"Yes I do believe we've established that" I laughed.
"Okay yeah, but Jay is single too!"
"Oh Lord here we go" I said rolling my eyes.
" No, stop, just hear me out!"
"Go ahead 'cause I know you're gonna anyway" I laughed.
"Girl, the two of you would be AMAZING together! You're both successful so no worries about a gold digger. You're both super chill. Your guys both just wanna be happy with someone that's gonna be loyal. You guys would look sooooooo good together. You're both secretly super sweet and hopeless romantics. AND you're about to be under the same roof for at least the next year. I don't see any problems here. I've shipped this for so long and now there's an actual chance!"
"I mean there is one problem."
"Like what?"
" Girl no way in hell is someone like him gonna wanna be with someone like me. I'm independent, stubborn, I talk back and I don't listen. Most guys like him want an obedient, docile pretty face. I'm not that and I'm not going to be."
"Okay and I hear you but that's exactly what he likes about you!"
"Wait what?"
"Shit! I mean nothing!"
"Oh no no no no. You know something that I don't and I'mma need you to elaborate like now."
"Okay fine! But only cause I love you and I can't keep anything from you"
"As it should be"
"Okay so the last time we went to visit them there was a day that you and Simon went to do some shopping while Jay and I stayed home. Do you remember that?"
"Kind of."
"Well while you guys were gone Jay and I got to talking about you and he asked me about you and Bryan and stuff. So I told him the situation and he was really sad. He told me that the last time we all visited he realized that he likes you. It was part of the reason he broke up with that girl, and by the time he got up the nerve to tell you how he felt you were already with Bryan. So me being me I asked him what he liked about you 'cause I'm not gonna go for some shallow dude that only likes you for your looks or some shit, which by the way was a big part of why I never liked Bryan. He basically told me that he likes you because you're different. You didn't fawn all over him just because he was famous. His money didn't impress you. You didn't take any shit. He liked that you guys could just kick it and act a fool, or watch a movie together and there was nothing awkward. He liked that you could laugh together and have a good time and there were no ridiculous expectations. He liked the way you guys vibed and he really wanted to get to know you better and see where things could go."
"Well shit"
"Kali, I know that's a lot to process, I wasn't even supposed to say anything to you about it,but don't count him out before you even give him a chance okay? Promise me cause I really like him for you. I think he'd be perfect for you. Also I don't want you to sink my ship before it even gets to set sail" she laughed.
"Alright alright. I'm not gonna push anything, but IF it gets to that point we'll see what happens okay?"
"I'll take it" she said
"I'm just saying though, that if the boy ever sings to me again, it's game over" I laughed
"Wait what? When did he sing to you? What did I miss?"
"Oh my Lord Lillie. The last time we went out there. You and Simon were off doing whatever, and Jay and I were out in the pool. I ended up sitting on the edge of the pool and I picked up my phone for something. I think I was checking the time or something dumb and this boy swam up between my legs and started singing turn off your phone. While effective that boy had no idea what he did to me. Like boyfriend? What boyfriend? Bryan who? Girl it took every ounce of willpower I had in me not to jump his ass right then and there."
"We're you sick? You don't swoon. Like ever. You are like the chilliest person ever at meet and greets. And you KNOW Jay."
"Girl I know! I think it was a combination of things to be honest that just got to me "
"Like what though?"
" I don't know, I mean we were there for like a month so there was a clear lack of sex. And the fact that he was shirtless. I don't care who you are, or if you're single or not, there is no denying that the man is fine. Then there's the fact that he was quite literally between my legs. And girl I don't know what it is about his voice but shit man. He don't even gotta be singing. The man can just be speaking normally and I could listen to that shit all damn day. I LOVE his voice."
When she didn't respond I glanced over to see the biggest smirk on her face.
"What's that look for?"I asked
"You want him."
"I don't want him Lillie"
"You wannnttt himm"
"I do NOT want him"
"Girl I know you want him. You just gave it all away."
"Alright I don't not want him but I'm not gonna go out of my way to get him."
"Nah, you want him bad."
"Alright I want him. Like really want him. But I'm not gonna die if I don't get him."
"I knew it" she said with a satisfied grin on her face.
"Man if you don't take your smug a-"
I was cut off by the sound of Jay singing know your name blaring through the cars speakers. Jay was calling so I answered
"Speak of the devil," I answered
"So you were talking about me huh?"
"Yup. Kali was just telling me how much she liked it when you sang to her last time we came to visit." Said Lillie"
"What a snitch" I said slapping her thigh.
"Stop harassing me and pay attention to the road Kali!"
"I can multitask" I said
"Are you driving? I can let you go if you need me to." Said Jay.
"Nah you're good. You're on the cars Bluetooth, and I'm like ten minutes from home."
"Okay. Just wanna make sure you're safe."
"Of course."
"Sooooooo.. you liked it when I sang to you huh?" Teased Jay.
"Who wouldn't?"
"Irrelevant. I wanna know if YOU liked it. I don't care about anyone else."
"Of course Jay. How could I NOT like that?"
"Good to know. I'd be more than happy to sing to you whenever you'd like"
"I-I'll keep that in mind"
"Oh shit. Did the fearless Kali just stutter? Do I make you nervous babygirl?"
"Whaaaaat nooooo. Me? Nervous? Never!" I said.
"Still here guys!!" Said Lillie, snapping me back to reality.
"Hey so I'm about to pull into our driveway. We gotta bring everything in and I gotta throw your bedding in the wash but I can call you back after that. You won't be back on the plane by then right?"
"Nah I'll be good by then still. Promise to call though?"
"I promise Jay."
"Alright. Bye babygirl. I'll see you soon."
"Mmmkay bye" I said hanging up.
The minute I ended the call Lillie jumped in her seat and squealed excitedly.
"My ship is gonna sail, my ship is gonna sail!" She sang.
"All the way done with you" I said shaking my head.
"Girl, you guys are fucking adorable and you know it."
"If you say so"
I pulled around the corner of our driveway and the house came into view while Lillie was pre occupied on her phone. To my surprise Simon and Jay were on our porch. They had decorated it with balloons and streamers as a romantic gesture from Simon for Lillie. I nudged Lillie with my elbow and when she looked at me I nodded my head toward the house. As soon as she realized what she was looking at she flew out of the car and into Simon's arms. Jay waved and started making his way over to me as I got out of the car. He wrapped me in a warm hug that was everything I needed right now. He smelled and felt amazing! He lifted me off the ground and I instinctively wrapped my legs around his waist.
"Hey babygirl" he said into my neck.
"I missed you"
"I missed you too Jay."
We stayed like that for a few minutes, neither of us wanting to let go of the other. Eventually I unwrapped my legs from his waist and he gently let me back down on the ground and softly kissed my forehead.
"I thought you guys weren't gonna be here till tomorrow?" I said
"Simon finished his work earlier than he expected and managed to find an earlier flight so surprise! I'm really sorry you're having a shitty day by the way. I hope maybe this made it a little better."
"This made it way better. That hug was everything" I said with a smile.
"Happy to be of service. Would you care to leave a review so others know what to expect?" He joked.
"Top quality hugs here. I always end up coming back for more. Ten out of ten would hug again. I might just have to cut a bitch though if they get in the way." I said playing along.
Glancing at the porch I saw that Lillie and Simon were still tangled in each other so I decided to start unloading our stuff myself. I opened the back hatch and Jay came up behind me.
"Oh? So you want to keep my hugs all to yourself?"
"One hundred percent yes I do."
"I mean I could definitely make that happen for you." He said wrapping his arms around me from behind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2020 ⏰

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