April 21, 2088

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[Karen Hudson sits behind the counter, unaccompanied.]

"After the rise in questions and concerns due to the popularity of the dragon video, China has addressed everyone about the Chinese Dragon."

"Their President, Zhu Jintao, called for a World Union meeting to disperse tensions and address suspicions. President Zhu Jintao did not want this dragon to cause problems on the planet."

"In fact, he stated that he believes this dragon will further unite the world."

"Let's look at the video of his speech from yesterday at the 26th World Union."

[Footage of Karen Hudson stops. Recording from the World Union plays. President Zhu Jintao of China stands at a podium in front of a circle of representatives. He speaks in Chinese, but a translation travels across the bottom of the screen.

Zhu Jintao: "We know many countries have grown suspicious of our dragon. We want everyone to know that this dragon does not mean any harm."

"The dragon brings us good luck and knowledge. It is teaching us new techniques to better harvest energy."

"Our harvesting of solar and wind energies is more efficient than ever. We have begun delving into geothermal and tidal energies."

"We hope to share our knowledge with everyone when we have maximized our efficiency."

"Our main goal right now is to please the dragon, as it has shown us many ways to fix our impact on the planet."

"The dragon has stopped an oncoming of tsunamis at our coast, and it vows to save other countries from tsunamis if they take on a new lifestyle to help the planet."

"The dragon has even taught us new methods of sustainable fishing and on-land fish farms."

"In return for all this knowledge, we vowed to lower fish exports, adopt strong recycling habits, and lower our country's carbon emissions."

"We believe that, after all our new technologies are installed and tested, we will be able to share these technologies with everyone."

"We may even develop our own company for smart cars."

"China promises to share its knowledge with everyone, as long as the world pleases the Chinese dragon and also lowers their impact on the environment."

"The dragon has been nothing but kind to us and knowledgeable, and poses no threat to humans as long as we care for the Earth."

"We do not intend to use this knowledge we get from the dragon to have an upper hand on everyone."

As the President opens to questions, the video stops. The screen returns to Karen Hudson.]

Karen: "Despite this speech to the public, many leaders still had plenty of questions."

"Suspicions seem to rise; most are concerned why the knowledge from the Dragon cannot be shared immediately."

"Others begin to wonder why the Dragon came to China first, and why other dragons aren't coming to other territories."

"Some have turned to the Arctic Dragon, wondering if China worked with it to summon this second dragon."

"However, the Arctic Dragon seems completely disinterested in world events, as it is still concerned with the plastic pollution of our oceans."

"More to come, on China and the Chinese Dragon as we look to social media platforms for further questions and hypotheses."

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