We Don't Wanna Be Like Them

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"So She is the girl you were seeing from last month?" Louis voice dragged me out from my thoughts.

The guys began to occupy the space with their presence as the show just end up with the following process of meet and greets.

My girlfriend was sleeping on couch, might get tired waiting for us. I was the one who showed her our room before I walked out to play for the audience and restricted Jace to keep an eye on her in case she wanted anything. But the asshole unobliged disappearing somewhere.

Louis settled down at the other couch across from us, staring at her like she is a new animal in the Zoo. Where the other boys made themselves comfortable on chairs at some distance.

" Can you guys just stop staring at her that way?" I warned them with a death glare.

"What way?" Zayn asked, smoking.

"You guys were staring her like, she is from another planet " I said, taking off my jacket and covered her as much as possible.

"Sorry but I can't digest the thing that you finally had a girlfriend " Louis rolled his eyes on me.

"A beautiful one" Zayn murmured and continued " Remember once you said that you cooked, tasted and left alone the imaginary rice of love, than now this shit is happening. I can't believe it"

" I don't know anything expect that I loved her " as I finished Louis and Zayn gaze each other like they won't expect those kind of words from me. but they might disturbed liam who walked out silently.

" Why don't you guys sort out the differences we are really sick of these" Zayn stood from his chair, and walked out too, seemes like he knew why he left.

" lost souls " Louis puffed out.

" Sorry " as I sat down at the edge right next to her belly, my that move, broke her sleep. " Hey pumpkin " I Gave her a kiss over her forehead but she Ignored me.

Louis exchanged some smiles saying " Jet leg ??"

"yeah a bit " She smiled and untied our hands. Even take the jacket aside .what the fuck wrong with her ?? Why she behaved like I am not in this room anymore ??

" Are you alright " I asked, looking at her. but for my surprise she fucking ignored me. might be on what I did with her in last few days.

I hadn't received any of her calls and behaved like jerk just because she won't say yes to move in with me.

" If you don't mind Can I use that washroom " winter pointed at the rest room and asked Louis expect me.

" Its all yours, Don't need to ask such questions " He replied gently.

" Thanks " She walked towards the door and closed it behind.

" I think I should need to make a move now, El is probably waiting for me on dinner " He stood up and we hugged.

As soon as he exit. I rushed towards The washroom and knocked " Can you just open this fucking door winty " I said with a anger in my voice.

no reply.

" I am sorry I shouted on you that day and stop taking your call I was just disappointed. Let me in " I apologize, pressing my Palms against the door, in a hope that it will open somehow.

" Can you hear me " I knocked one more time and screamed " Don't make me break this god damn door"

" You are disgusting " She finally opened the door, saying those words and past by me.

I retrieve from my position and grabbed her by arms, dragging her into the washroom once again. " Let me Go " She struggled a bit.

Thank god man arms are stronger. So i grabbed her tightly

" what the hell wrong with you now " I asked, pressing her firmly against the basin's platform.

" Nothing hell wrong with me, and yeah don't you dare to talk with me Niall I am done I am fucking done with you " She said as loud as I was and continue " you don't need to pretend in love with me, If you already set your mind to have anyone else in your life "

" What ?? anyone else ??? who ?? " I asked and cupped her cheeks, so we can see in each other eyes the way I want.

" Melisaa, The girl you were dating I don't know from how long but yeah I get to knew that Why the hell you were hiding me from your mates and family, Its because you were confused between her and me. Agnes was damn right, you need poor girls who accompany you in your lonely time where you were out of your country. "

I cut her off " Do you know what are you talking about ?? its all fucking rumors made by TMZ. how could you believe in all this shit. and yeah why the hell are you here If you don't want to talk with me" I asked loudly..

" I am not here by my choice "

" Ni, Is that you inside " somebody knocked and that voice forced me to loosen up my grips and let her go willy nilly.

I came out after her and found harry " Why you guys were fighting " he asked looking deep into my eyes.

" because she is a victim of those fucking things that never happened, I just lost my love " I said, breathless, running my hands through my hair.

" No you won't " as long as he said. He dragged me out from room quickly and start rolling his every where in corridors.

" Today I met a girl with a brown eyes " He screamed out loud as his eyes placed on something and with in a second everything around us got freeze. The crew stared at Me and Harry, including winter who was standing miles away ahead from us with Louis. I don't know in which conversation they were but gradually He interrupted.

I don't know what he planned for. but what ever it is. I can bet it will gonna be work.

Harry stared at her for a min and continue " I fall in love with her, more than anything " He said as much as loud he can, so she won't trouble in hearing " No matter, what I do or say, I always love her more than anything in this world. Her smile, her eyes that never mind staring at me when I was in front of her, Her hairs those seems little messed to me but I really like them" He walked some steps towards her, grabbing Me by arms and added " o my god, how can I forgot her laugh on my stupid, senseless jokes, the way she crinkle her nose when she say no, or when her eyes get super big and just look like the most beautiful thing in this world. I seriously love everything about her and that will never change " He kept looking at her " not in 5 year or 5 million years, No matter the time, I knew I love her and It will never change" we are now 20 steps away from her.

"These all are the exact words He shared with me. you think he doesn't talk about you with anyone I am sorry love but you are wrong. When ever I got his call or text he won't shut up talking about you. He is in love with you more than you ever dreamed off. " He pointed at Me " fuck off all the stupid rumors you heard about him, He is much more better than the media ever introduce him and believe me No one understand him the way I do, If I say he love you its mean He really does " He finished all that like a news reader reading from a teleprompter, but whatever He said was completely improvised. because I never shared anything about her with him

harry lines let her anger vanished some where and I could see the regret tears in her eyes.

Louis whispered something in her ears that made her rushed to our side and I quickly wrapped my arms around her hips so she flew on her toes and hug me tight

Harry and Loui Lips were stretched into a smile and teeth sufficiently visible. I put her down but one thing bother me always that why we need third wheel to solve the mess between us. aren't we able to sort it ourselves ??? or she is immature to handle the mess I created.

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