[5] Maybe

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*monica has been 3 and a half months on Neverland*

Peter Pan P.O.V.

She was been here for some time now. It seems like she is giving up hope of Hook coming back. The closer I have gotten to her, the more I see that over time I love her.

Today is a big day

Monica P.O.V.

He is not coming back. It's been more than enough time to come back to Neverland. As I think someone comes to the door and surprises me.

"Hey there!" Pan greets me

"Hey, you scared me for a minute" I respond

"I'm I that ugly" he said and did a pouty face

He can be so cute and funny sometimes. Since I have been here on Neverland me and him have gotten a lot closer. He really isn't evil if you get to know him.

"Maybe you are that ugly" I tell him in a joking way

"Well then to bad for you because you still have to see me daily" he jokes and laughs a little bit.

"Ya it is bad for me" I tell him and at that me and him both laugh

He offers me something to eat and then leaves to go get the food

Meanwhile he is gone I think about Hook,all those times we laughed, kissed, smiled and then I realize it might never happen again. He might never come back for me when I thought our love was eternal.

I have lost hope of him coming back for me to be honest. I think I should just focus on the idea of me being in Neverland forever and making it my home. It already is like my home these past 3 months and a half.

Peter Pan comes back in with Some food.

Peter Pan P.O.V.

As we eat I look at her carefully. I don't want her to chock.

I know how ridiculous of me but it's because I put something in her food.

Not like bad but I put a note protected by magic so it won't get soggy with her saliva in her food saying something very special.

Monica P.O.V.

Peter keeps looking at me as I eat.

I wish I knew what he was thinking.

Peter makes me laugh, like Hook use to. I just regret all the time I spent to this island having hope that Hook will come get me. I should have known that he would probably find someone else.

As I chew I feel something hard. I'm not crazy enough to try and swallow it,so in stead I just spit it out.

It's a note saying:

We have gotten closer

over the time you have been

on Neverland and all I

want to say is.......

Will you be my girlfriend?


I couldn't believe it. He actually wanted me to be his girlfriend. Pan wants me to be HIS girlfriend. All the moments rushed in my memory of me and Pan, the good and the bad.

All I could say was "Yes" with the biggest smile

His face light up and he ran to me and picked me up and hugged me tight. I hugged him back. When he let go our faces slowly came together and our lips touched and moved in sync together. He let go and said "You don't know how long I wanted to do that"

I thought maybe this could be my forever!



What do you guys think. Do u ship it?

Sorry I took long to update.

I'm happy bc I know people are reading my story and voting for it and It just makes me so happy and encourages me to keep writing.

Can u guys click on my profile and check out my new story call "THIS TOWN" It would mean alot

Comment, Vote, tell ur friends!

See u next time

*not edited*

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