8. Non-Fat Soy Latte

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"I rest my case,

you are always this late.

And you know how much I hate

waiting around, round, round."

    ◘ ◘ ◘       

"What's going on here?"

"Asher," Emily murmured, standing up quickly and brushing the imaginary dirt off her skirt. I, on the other hand, took my own sweet time to stand up, pausing to stretch a little. Asher glared at me in annoyance.

"Well?" Asher all but demanded.

"We were talking about how much of an asshole you are, Dane. Now, will you leave us be?" I smiled sweetly, inspecting my nails. I heard Emily gasp beside me, "Lexi!"

"What're you doing here?" I continued to asked, grinning widely at him to further annoy him.

"Lunch," Asher said. "It's lunchtime."

"And? You want us to cook for you, Your Majesty?" I snorted, but Emily jabbed me in the side and gave me a warning look.

"Shut up, Knight. Emily, let's go," Asher demanded, grabbing Emily's thin wrist and dragging her away.

"Wait, we can't just leav—"

"Have fun, love birds! But not too much!" I called after them, only for Asher to turn and glare at me sharply. Emily blushed a deep red, trying again to yank her wrist away from him as some of the few students around watched the scene with wide eyes and opened jaws. God, it was way too entertaining to piss Asher Dane off.

I stared at the couple as they disappeared from sight, a silly grin on my face. I was broken out of my reverie when my phone buzzed in my bag. Frowning slightly, I picked up the phone.


"Hey, Jake. Why'd you call?" I answered, my grin fading to a small smile.

"It's lunchtime, wanna meet for a bite?" he asked. I heard a bunch of people chattering loudly in the background, and briefly wondered where he was. The field, maybe?

"Hello? Alex?" I heard him say, and picked up a slight annoyance in his tone.

"Yeah! Yeah, I'm...I'm down. Where do I meet you?" I asked, twirling a lock of my dark brown hair around my finger.

"The Bean? In ten minutes," he said. I murmured an agreement and hung up the phone, taking my time to pack my books that were sprawled out on the table into my bag.

I was sitting on the wooden benches at the back of the library, a quaint and quiet place to study with Emily without having to watch our noise. The place quickly became one of my favourite spots in school after Emily showed it to me. Hardly anyone came around here, which makes it the perfect place to hangout. I've only seen a handful of students here, and the occasional brooding gentleman that is Asher Dane when he came to sought out his dearest.

Yuck. Never am I ever going to refer to Asher Dane as a gentleman, or refer to Emily as his dearest. Too creepy, I thought and shuddered involuntarily.

After I cleared the table, I got up and started to walk towards The Bean, the campus cafe situated five minutes away from the library. I hardly go to The Bean mainly because everything there is overpriced: $12 coffee? Haha, no thanks. Although I'm a Meilleurian, that doesn't mean I'm rolling in wads of cash. I'm still a student on scholarship with no income and a small savings account.

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