I screamed at dusk and sighed at dawn.
I cried under the cover of the moon
And smiled under the sun's rays.I laughed in the woods and protested in the city
I raised my head high on the street,and stared at the ground in schoolI left this world and everything in it behind in a book store,and crashed into reality in a clothing store.
I lost myself in a music store,listening to lost lines of poetry and feelings,I found the guilt and suffering of others in history class,learning of wars the world has fought
I have spent countless nights staying up, trying to find a way to let go of my emotions,and yet spent what seems to be years in the sunlight trying to keep my emotions and oppinions to myself
Slam poems/free writing
PoetryALL of the stories and bunk(except for art and pics unless I say so) are mine, please let me know beforehand if you wish to use any