Ch1: Running

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Shiro's pov

I sat in the basement, hiding from my uncle again. My parents had died a few years ago so I was made to live with my uncle. I hated it though.

He disliked me from the moment I had to stay with him and he also used drugs, drank and gambled. "Shiro! Where are you?!" he snapped from the basement door. I hugged my knees, trying to keep quite.

No luck. I hit into one of the folding  chairs which fell to the ground, making a loud clang. I felt my breath catch in my throat and my heart speed up as the basement door opened. I heard footsteps coming down before the sound of stuff falling.

I looked out from my hiding spot that was being the ping pong table that leaned against the wall and saw my uncle, lying on the ground, saliva dripping from his mouth. I didn't miss a beat in running up the stairs to my room to pack my things. I shoved everything I wanted to take including my old stuffed toy that my parents gave me and a photo of the three of us. I grabbed the rucksack, satchel and my travel bag before running out of the house.

I went to the forest that was nearby, putting as much distance between me and my uncle. I ran through the trees before tripping on a tree root. I fell to the ground, scraping my face hands, arms and legs. Pain coursed through my ankle as I took my shoe and sock off to look at it.

Just as I did so, I heard a howl coming from somewhere in the forest. I tensed up and started to feel panicked. I looked around and saw a wolf jumping down some rocks next to a stream.

It came over to me as I gripped tight onto something on the forest floor. It sniffed my leg and growled at me. I tried to back away but failed, my hand slipping from the leaves as I hit my head and fell unconscious.


I woke up in a cave, my head hurting as I looked around. I was laying in a bed made of leaves and moss with some Feathers and next to me was the bags that had my stuff in them.

I looked around before freezing and pretending to be asleep when a wolf walked in, carrying a pheasant. It set the pheasant down and started to eat as I tried not to freak out.

It finished its food then stretched before walking over to me. It sniffed me as I let out a small noise of fright. I expected it to growl but instead it locked my face. I opened my eyes in surprise.

It was standing right next to my face, tail wagging. "I guess you aren't mean like everyone makes you out to be" I explained petting it.

It wagged its tail. "You probably smell my old dog. She died a few days ago and my clothes probably still smell of her" I explained. It's ears fell. "Don't be sad. You look cuter when your happy" I told it. It began wagging its tail and leapt on me as I laughed.

"Your like a big dog" I laughed, ruffling his fur as he licked me.

The wolf and the human(An Ame x oc Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now