Play Date

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*Matt's P.O.V*

"Wow, I've never seen you guys like that!" I said to Haley, laughing.

Haley didn't budge.

"Oh, Haley, it's okay. Naomi is oka-"

"It's not okay because we came here to have a good time, not for Naomi to get physically... bullied by some psychotic fans!" She snapped back at me. Well, damn. I actually kind of like this side of her. She looks kinda cute with her eyebrows furrowed and her lip being stuck inbetween her teeth.

"I'm sorry, babe." I said to her. I had no idea what else to say.

She sighed.

"It's not your fault. I just rather not see my best friend get pushed down in front of hundreds of people."

"I know.." I grabbed her hand and walked back into the sitting area where all the guys were hanging out.

"Hey Matt, Haley!" said Cameron.

"What's up?" I said.

"We should all go on a double date to Golf N Stuff tomorrow, yeah?"

"Sounds fun!" I said back. Haley just half-smiled. Alrighty then.

I looked over and saw an angry Taylor, and an angry Shawn? Wtf is going on here?

I walked away from Haley and sat down next to Jacob who seemed to have his eyes glued on my girl friends ass.

"What the fuck are you looking at?" an angry sound escaped my lips.

"Oh, um, nothing."

"Right.." I got back up and walked back over to Haley, grabbing her hand and pulling her into a kiss, showing all the guys that she is mine, not theirs and that they need to back the fuck off before I "bust a cap in their ass"

I started laughing to myself and Haley gave me the weirdest look.

"What?" she asked.

"Nothin... I was just thinking that I'm going to beat you at mini golf tomorrow."

"Oh really?"


"Ha, okay. We'll see how that works out." she said, smirking and walking away from me. Well damn, again.

Naomi walked in pissed off and holding her left leg. Cameron was repeatedly asking her if she was okay. I ran over to her and said "bruh are you okay that crazy bitch shoved you off the panel pretty hard"

"Yeah I'm fine and she's lucky she is too I was ready to rip off a chair leg and beat her to hell with it"


*Naomi's P.O.V*

I was laying on one of the beds in the hotel room and Haley was laying on the other. We were just scrolling through our phones. Matt and Cameron then walked in.

"Hey, you guys ready to go?" said Cameron.

"Yeah!" I said, smiling at him. Oh god, he is so cute.

I slipped on my plain white converse and Haley slipped on her plain white vans and then we walked out of the hotel room and down to the lobby. When we walked out of the elevator, there were 70+ teenage girls screaming. Oh god. The scorching fan girls ran pummeled our dates. Dammit. Haley came and grabbed my arm and walked to the car. A few fans followed and asked to get pictures and of course we took some with them.

I was kind of mad because this is supposed to be a double date but right now, Haley and I have been waiting by the car for 30 minutes already.

Matt and Cameron came jogging up to us.

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