-chapter 5-

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Yeah I've been waiting to write the kiss too haha!! And it continues. Love ya xx - Tay

Christians POV-

The kiss has been going on for at least half an hour, it's not enough. I want her. In more than just a kiss. I want her to want me most of all. I've got the possible delusion that she does want me though considering she was the one to ask me to kiss her, that wasn't why I did that though. I've always thought of here as a brave goddess who hasn't had any trouble in here life, someone who only cared about being the best at their job, I thought of her as a heartless cold blooded killer. But moroi need killers to protect them, Aria is my killer, my guardian. For this moment in time anyway.

I feel this burning desire, a feeling like molten lava is sliding over us, but without the painful burning. I hope she feels that blissful feeling too, otherwise I'm just another moron who has fallen for her, but after what I've learnt about her today, apparently the only moron who she has let fallen for her or gotten this far with her for years. Which brings me back to brave goddess. I shouldn't have said that, she's a legendary Dhampir, she has a mark meaning she's killed to many strigoi to count. Of course she's seen and been through a lot of frightening and horrible things. Yet she still stands strong, no matter what could be happening to her emotions. Thinking about it, this kiss couldn't be straightening anything out.

All I know is I want her. I want her to kiss me every five minutes, to sneak away with me to the woods to skip class. I want her to know she can trust me and that I can help her. We can help eachother.

Aria's POV-

The kiss has become even more intense. Sounds are escaping our throats, little moans of pleasure. Now and then I feel a smile in his lips making me smile. Tongues have made an appearance a long time ago. I want him closer. Screw that I just want him! We could be good for each other. We've both been through so much, we can be each other's bright spot. Sure as hell he is my bright spot. I used to despise him, I don't know why. But I see no need in that now. He's my moroi, I'll protect him with my life. I trust him. For once in years I trust someone. And it just happens to be someone who I would have never considered before.

"You know," Christian reluctantly breaks away to say "even a church can't protect a couple of sinners from a lightning bolt." I laugh, tracing his jaw bone with my finger tips

"Well it's a shame I want to give you my sin again isn't it?" He looks upwards

"Sorry God." Than pulls me to him again. This time there's no hesitation. The kiss goes to full intensity straight away. Tongue and all. I tease him but gently nipping at his bottom lip now and then, making that smile come through, making mine follow. Doing that always makes him groan lightly then kiss me harder.

I've kissed before, but I was a junior then and it was nothing serious, just mucking around. This, this kiss is fun, passionate -and unlike my other kisses- completely legit and real. There are cut moments where the kisses are fun and playful. Other moments where there serious and full of passion and emotion, trying to tell each other our feelings through the kiss, and by now our feelings are obvious to us. I love him. Every once and a while the kiss because a game. Try to make the other person make a sign of pleasure. Which isn't that hard. The slightest touch makes him moan.

We break away and just stare at each other for a couple moments

"God I love you." We say at almost the exact same precise time we laugh

"I love you Christian" I press my lips to his once more

"I love you Aria. You don't know how much."

"I'm guessing almost as much as I love you."

"Ha ha. Not possible my love."

"I'm guessing our relationship is going to be competitive now and then." He nods

"That just shows how similar we are." Our lips attach again.

It is fifteen minutes until curfew and we're still making out in the attic. I check the dimly lit clock

"Shit!" Christian looks at the clock

"Wow time really does fly when your kissing" I laugh

"Yes now that we've tested that theory, we actually need to get going before Father Andrew catches us 'sinning! By missing curfew and making out in a church" he nods

"Aww but I don't want to go!" Kissing him again I tell him

"Neither do I honey, but I'll see you tomorrow morning" he grins

"Right. That will satisfy my heart through the night"

"And I won't forget the feeling of your lips on mine until I get that pleasure again." We laugh and kiss a couple more times

"Goodnight my love." He tells me once we're out of the chapel

"Goodnight Christian." He kisses me once more before he let's out hands drop and we part ways.

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