The Dark

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The dark, it's such a simple little thing. Darkness is nothing more than the absence of light, yet so many fear it like death. You can't blame them though, the dark is very much alive. It is unbridled and shrewd, devouring anything that enters its depths. It is where the little things you have nightmares about lurk. They watch in patience from the shadows, anticipating your every move, eagerly wishing for you to enter their realm, their domain, their world... the darkness. Because once you're in, it is very likely you may never return.

Now these "things", as i have called them, bare little semblance to a human, there bodies distorted and ripped, cut and stitched, scarred and alien. They are the very definition of repulsive. Their minds destroyed leaving nothing behind but an extreme hunger, for madness, for blood, for feeling, for anything. But despite their poor appearances they are nothing but human. Poor humans who have been dragged down into the depths of insanity and madness by the ones who mutilated their bodies and lives, the ones they called "the Blanks". The Blanks referred to the people as mere test subjects, animals even, they were torn apart, experimented on, and if they were lucky, stitched back up, however sloppily. Some were left, spilling their organs and innards out onto the floor as they bled to death, some were burned, whether they were alive or dead before-hand is a mystery. The failed "experiments" were terminated, the rest were either left to rot in a cage or to be continuously used in other tests. All of this was performed by an old organization in a secret facility. Not many people knew about it considering that news of it never reached the public and the fact that the organization was eventually subjugated when all the test subjects revolted. The insanity completely took over as the subjects ripped into the Blanks, killing them all violently, a couple were even eaten alive. They never left though, not even after they were free to go. They didn't know anything but the cold concrete walls and the dark debris filled halls, so they stayed. Lingering in the shadows as if they're scared of the light. And there they remain to this day.

Now you may be wondering where all this information came from, or how i know of it. You may also be thinking that this is just one big spurious tale; that I have simply fabricated every word I have written. But that isn't the case, every word on this page is sincere for I have nothing to gain from deception. Because, you see, I am one of those "things" you all so deeply fear. I huddle in the shadows, I crawl in pools of blood, I cackle to myself in the corners of rooms, I claw at the walls, and what's left of my face. I hunger, like everything else in this abyss, for madness, for blood, for flesh, for feeling, and sometimes even light.

The one thing that does set me apart from the others is that I have seen the light. I know what it's like to bask in the sun and feel its warmth. I have seen countless sunrises and sunsets, each one as comely as the last. Unlike the others I was not experimented on, I was not held captive in the dark from the day of my birth, I have knowledge and experience, I can remember what it was like to be sane, even if it only comes in brief flashes. I came from the outside where cherubic and beautiful things could exist. I was innocent to the darkness, but like every other wretched soul here I was dragged in and devoured until nothing remained but an empty, hideous shell of what I once was. I was torn into pieces that couldn't be salvaged. It is the single result of coming across a breach in The Wall; that little rift between our world and theirs. The Wall that tantalizes its prisoners, as if saying "Ha! You're trapped!". The Wall that holds everything in, keeps it secret, keeps it dark. Its warnings so illegible no one could have imagined the horrors that waited for their entry. The Wall stood for a purpose, but whether it was to keep them in or us out is the real question.

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