part 1

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      Remember Us, What We Once Were,


      Before You Fucked

      It Up With Her?


      Remember How We Was Laid Up With Your Arms Around Me,


      Kissing Me In Places No One Can See,


      I'm Surprised You Even Gotta A Peak,


      Cause' Niggas Never Notice A Girl Like Me,


       And When They Do I Wonder What They See,


      Why Do You Wanna Fuck With Me?


      When You Came It Wasnt Really A Difference,


      Can't Say For A Second I Thought You Was Different,


      You Were Just My Favorite Drug, And Now I'm Battling With



      From Those Kisses And All That Attention,


      You Weakened Me With Aggression


      Then Use The Power Of The Tongue For A Secret Weapon,


      Got To My Body Before Getting In My Mind ,

      And Till This Day Thought Of Those Touches Still Send Chills

      Down My Spine.


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