Set Free

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The bell rings at Huggiton Highschool for Brycee Millins. It was the last day of her Junior year, and it was the beginning of summer. Summer was beautiful in California but Brycee was tired of the same old same old. She wanted something new and she wanted new people. Brycee had grown up with all the kids that went to Huggiton High, and Brycee knew everyone..but still she was invisible. She had a handful of friends, but she wasn't popular at the least.As usual the heat was high as Brycee walked out and down the stairs with her best friend Lianne Bridger. Lianne was a beautiful girl, her hair was bleached from the sun, her eyes were crystal blue, and she had a slim firm body and her complextion was completley clear. Brycee on the other hand was completely opposite, her hair was red, her eyes were a deep solid green, and a thin lean body, her complextion had bumps here and there but Brycee knew she has seen way worst than what she had. 

"Can you believe that my parents are making me go to Arkansa to meet up with family?!" Lianne was complaining, because that summer her family had decided to go visit their grandparents in Arkansa for a few months out of the summer, then they would travel to Michigan to see her father's sister, for the rest of summer. They wouldn't be back until a week before school. "I know, I mean...really we had nothing planned but we could of just hung out and palnned as we went!".Sighing Lianne said  "I know! I tried persuading,pleading,making deals, begging, heck...I have even offered to stay with my grandma for the summer and help her. But they're being persistent,they won't budge on this".  Lianne and Brycee came to the edge of their neighbor hood. Brycee and her family moved here the beginning of  Freshman year. Brycee and Lianne live next door to each other, that's how they met and became best friend and insepreable since. "I guess we will just have to deal with it then." Lianne threw her arm around Brycee and said "the invitation on going with me is still optional". Smiling and rolling her eyes she said "no thanks, you know my parents wouldn't go for that." "Oh come on Bry, there's going to be cute guys and you will get to travel!". Brycee grinned "you know how terrible I am with talking to boys, I have never had a boyfriend because when a guy actually wants to talk to me I choke up and I sound like my tongue is swollen and all you hear is hskjdhdkdhd, yeah bye. So no...I will pass". Lianne laughed and shook her head "Bry, you haven't hada boyfriend because you don't communicate at all. When a guy even looks at you, you freak out and take off some where. I could help you work on it!". Brycee stopped on the sidewalk, she was now between her house and Liannes. "Lianne, I can't okay. I will be fine, I promise...I'll just find a job to occupie me or something." "fine, but you better email me everyday,promise?" Brycee smiled at her friends pushiness, pulling her into a huge hug she said "I promise.Want to come over?" "I can't...I am leaving the day after tomorrow, and I haven't packed a stich of clothing. I have nothing packed at all, and if I don't start now, then I know they are going to fly into me.But I'll text you later, okay?""Alrighty". 

Brycee got inside of her mexican style, two story home. She threw her bag on the counter of the kitchen, opening the refridgrator in search for something to drink. She finally decided on the lemonade. She poured her a glass and leaned against the counter, Brycee was hard at thinking, she was trying to figure out what do do with her summer since Lianne is going to be around. "I could get a job down at the 'SnackShack', or I could sign up for summer I do need something to take up all this free time". Brycee's thought was intterupted by her brother Kyle, he came in, threw his bag across the table and started digging in the fridge, cming out with an armful of condiments,lunchmeat,cheese and pickles and two cans of soda". Brycee watched as he laid out everything and fastly mad a sandwich slapping everything together like it was some race. "What is the hurry"? Kyle looked up, and said "I am going over to Garrets house, we're meeting up with Hannah.". Brycee thought to herself "it's sad my 13 year old brother has more plans for his summer than I do". Brycee sipped the rest of the lemonade in her cup, placing it in the sink she said "well have fun, tell them I said hey" "Okay I will, see you at dinner!" Kyle said shoving the sandwich in his mouth and running out the back door". 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2015 ⏰

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