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Scarlett's p.o.v

In and out. In and out.

I kept a steady pace, letting my inner voice guide me. I was never a sports person, but running seemed to help me manage lots of things. Anger was one of those things. Have you ever been so mad you feel like you might explode? Well, that's how this one boy made me feel. I don't know what it was about him; whatever it was, he could really get under my skin. I have never done anything to him in my life, yet he decided he hated me from the moment he saw me.

It all started in kindergarten, yes seriously kindergarten! I did one simple thing and he dozed a bottle of glue all over my hair. I didn't know asking him if he needed help was going to make him do that, or I swear I wouldn't have bothered. From that moment on I decided I didn't like him either and he always made it very obvious, he hated me. I did however get him back in second grade. After being so tired of him tripping me, I had the courage to stick some gum in his mushroom like hair. Let's just say I made a favor because that hairstyle was not working for him.  He did however get payback.

I remember it as if it were yesterday. It was right after lunch time, everyone had gym time and like I said, I wasn't very good at sports. He took the advantage of kicking the dodgeball straight in my face. Obviously he got detention because it turns out you can't hit  someone who's in the same team! That happened in third grade and ever since if I see him holding a ball-like figure I go out of my way avoid him like the plague.

In six grade I told everyone he had coodies and it couldn't be cured. Then he went out of his way to tell everyone in eighth grade that I was pregnant. It was an awkward conversation to have with everyone who thought I was. You guys wanna know what I did next?

Nothing, we started high school and I decided to leave that behind, we had a few classes together but he also didn't bother me. There was the occasional tripping or "bumping" from him but it seemed like if he avoided me as well. My sophomore and half of my junior year, I dated a boy named Demitri; my goodness, I thought I loved him... I was so wrong. He broke my heart and started dating one of the popular girls in school. At the moment it was painful to watch him date someone else, but thankfully he moved away.

So that's a small summary of my past. The past with this annoying boy named Blake, the boy who could get under my skin, who did get under my skin.  I won't bother sharing what he did this time... I was coming out of my English class when one of his girl friends decided to trip me, I swear I was about to bust my face when I felt two strong arms wrap around me. He turned me around and said, "Be careful clumsy!" I started wide at him, there was something about his hazel green eyes that I couldn't shake, a spark. A clear smirk on his lips snapped me back to reality and I shoved his hands away.

He furrowed his brows but before he got the chance to say anything, I said, "Leave me alone Blake, not today" and stormed off.

And that was what he did! How dare he touch me! He was so stupid with his green hazel eyes, his stupid full lips, his stupid strong hands.

I sprint till I could no longer breathe and slowed down till I stopped. Sweat dripped from my forehead and the music blared through my headphones. I turned off the music and started walking back home. It had been enough running for today.

I loved the soft wind, the rustling of the crunchy leaves. I also loved the part where I could run and not get super sweaty. Autumn is my favorite season, it's funny because I should hate it. Knowing that winter was coming and so were the holidays, would always upset me. Knowing that I would probably spend it alone, full of gifts... but alone, didn't help.

Years ago when I was 10/11, my parents started trying for another baby. Luckily it took them two months to conceive. We expected a baby boy for Christmas. How crazy is that? For Christmas our gift was going to be a beautiful baby boy. His name was going to be Ethan. We waited for him but... he came early. That day went by in a blur, everything happened extremely fast. One moment we were peacefully watching tv and the next my mom is shouting at me to call dad. It took one moment, in one instant we were no longer expecting, one moment were they let my mother know it was nearly impossible to carry another child. One moment that ruined everything. One moment where this house seemed extremely big, knowing that the other four rooms of this house were probably never going to get filled with my siblings. One moment... and they were gone. And I was alone, I felt like it wasn't only my brother who didn't make it, but also my mother. From that moment on, my mother stopped showing up for me... I couldn't blame my mother for what had happened. In some way I blamed myself, if only I knew how to drive and had gotten my mother faster to the hospital instead of waiting for my father to get home. I get this feeling that I should of done something more... there was nothing I could of done though.

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