Season 2

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Hey guys!

I am proud to announce that I have finally opened the Season 2 of #JustMyType Book awards.

All this time I have been thinking about the new things I am gonna add on to make sure that your book gets discovered.

Although I am not a social media person, I am trying my best.

So I have started tumblr account

So I have started tumblr account JustmytypeBookAwards

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Your very own web page on wordpress( still developing) where i will feature your books... And result!!

So pls follow

And lastly I am finally going to start the winners book. Finally.

Pinterest is on the way though.

This time i will be the only judge so follow me on xXxStarShadowxXx for sure.
Also judging will take some time.

That's it.

Happy reading!

#JustMyType Book Awards (CLOSED)Where stories live. Discover now