Chapter 5

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Sarah immediately turns around and the doctor stands there. "Where is he?" She asks. The doctor moves aside and Jareth stands behind him in human clothing.

Sarah stares at him shocked, "H-how? No.. This can't be.." "I'll let you two be."

The doctor leaves the room and closes the door behind him. Jareth sits in a chair in front of Sarah's bed, "How is it you.." Jareth smiles "How is it I'm here? With you?"

"This is... Not possible."

Jareth smiles, "Haven't you noticed? I'm always watching.. Always outside your window."

Sarah remembers the white owl sitting outside of her window in the metal hospital but he had disappeared a few years after I was put in that place.

"I'm sorry if this is to soon for you.."

"How... How are you real?" Sarah looks at him with tears in her eyes, "I thought all this time i was crazy but you.."

Jareth stands "You stopped believing. That is the only reason you couldn't see us, we are.. All around you."

Sarah looks at him shocked, "That's wrong! I never stopped believing!" "Maybe on the outside.. but deep down you stopped believing long ago."

Sarah's eyes fill with tears, "How can I see you now?"

Jareth smiles half heartedly, "I think I should go now... I think you need rest. I will visit tomorrow."

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