Chapter One

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Chapter One


That was the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes this morning. The curtains to my windows were drawn back exposing the outside world being drenched with rain, the clear blue skies now painted gray.

I hoisted myself out of my warm and comfortable twin sized bed to get ready for the long school day ahead of me. My morning routine consisted of; getting out of bed, showering, brushing my teeth, getting dressed, eating a piece of fruit and then heading off to school. And that's exactly what I did today.

I dressed myself in a pair of stone washed ripped skinny jeans, a short-sleeved black and white striped tee shirt along with a pair of black hightop converse. I then added a bit of mascara onto my eyelashes that were overlooked by my emerald green eyes.

Twisting my dyed light pink hair into a ponytail, walked dkwn the spiraling staircase. "Mom?" I called out, hoping for an answer.

No answer. Of course there was no answer. She rarely was ever home. I mean, it's not like she had an eighteen year old kid to support, and feed - and give her love too.

I decided that I would pick up some breakfast for a change today, and grabbed my car keys to my yellow Corvette. I was thankful my mother could afford such a nice car, but I cannot begin to fathom why she chose the color yellow.

"What can I get you?" The cashier at Starbuck's asked in a monotone voice.

"I'll have a iced cinnamon dolce latte and a blueberry scone." I decided, and pulled out my wallet that I had stuck in my back pocket.

"That'll be $5.37."

I handed the cashier a ten dollar bill and got handed my change. I stuffed the bills and coins into my pocket and waited at the order pick-up counter next to a man who had on a red plaid shirt, black dress pants, some black shoes and what looked to be a briefcase looking up at the menus - his brown hair falling slightly in his eyes.

Well, he was attractive.

"A iced cinnamon dolce latte and a blueberry scone?" One of the workers behind the counter called out, order in hands.

"That would be mine," I called out - along with another voice that didn't exactly sound like mine. I looked over to the man in the dressy outfit who was smirking slightly at me.

"I guess we ordered the same thing," He commented taking the order from the worker.

Oh gosh, his voice was even hotter than he looked. Could this man get anymore perfect?

No Fallon he couldn't because he's probably too old for you anyway. I told myself, trying to look anywhere but him.

"I guess," I muttered and waited for my order while the man just stood there, staring at me - which was less creepy than it sounds.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." I mumbled, pretending to gaze up at the menu.

"Iced cinnamon dolce latte and a blueberry scone- once again." The same worker called out and handed me my stuff. I offered him a smile and snatched my food from his hands and muttered a thanks before heading towards the door.

"The names Liam, by the way."

I turned around to see the man, er Liam, sipping on his latte and looking at me with his soft brown chocolate eyes. I furrowed my eyebrows and nodded, not really understanding why he had told me his name.

I checked the clock above the enterence and swore, "I really have to get going. Nice taste in beverages though."

Wow Fallon, thats the best sentence you could muster up? You're losing your touch.

"Where have you been!? You're two minutes before the final bell rings." Aspen, a short pettie red headed girl who I like to call one of my best friends, scolded me.

I rolled my eyes and threw my Starbucks cup in the nearest trash bin, "Got distracted."

"I don't even want to know," She replied and grabbed hold of my wrist and dragged me away to our homeroom with Mrs. Jessen.

Mrs. Jessen was a women who was in her late thirties, and always wore the colors brown or gray. She always wore her hair in a neat bun - never a stray hair could be seen afloat, and was probably one of the nicest teachers here at this school.

"Good morning class," Mrs. Jessen addressed right as Aspen and I walked in the classroom. She took a glance at us and shook her head, extending her arm as a 'join us' gesture. We both nodded and walked to our sits that were in the middle row.

"Before we begin today, I would like to announce that we have a few new teachers joining us in the middle of the school year," Mrs. Jessen said as she read off a piece of blue paper, "The new teachers include - Ms. Watson who is one of the math teachers, Miss Plane who will be the new music teacher for any of you who take music, Mr. Yun is the new chemistry teacher and Mr. Payne who will be one of the new physical education teachers and a part time study hall monitor. If you have any of these new teachers, you will be notified via letter."

The rest of homeroom I tuned out, focusing on a few of the posters Mrs. Jessen had hanging up in her room - which was much more fun to read and stare at then listen to her go on and on about upcoming pep rallies and activites we should part take in - yeah right.

At the end of class, Mrs. Jessen handed out the letters that she talked about in the beginning of the period and unfortunatly, I was one of them tha recieved one.

I unfolded the letter, glancing at the paragraph above explaining the situation before my eyes slid down to where it gave the teacher's name, room number and subject.

Mr. Payne, Gymnasium/Library Physical Education/Study Hall

Great, just great.


Second period gym was never fun, especially today when it was quite obvious everyone was gossiping about the new physical education teacher.

"I heard that the new gym teacher is young and hot."

"I wonder if he has abs."

"I bet he's married though."

"Maybe he's like seventy years old, then he can't really teach us any gym. I'm hoping for no gym."

All of those things were being said as I sat on the bottom row of the extended bleachers in the gymnasium waiting for the new gym teacher. Monica who I also liked to call my best friend, was sat on my left side staring at Peter Sterling who she has had a crush on since Freshman year.

"Ohmygosh, there he is!" Amber, a member of our school's spirit team squealed from behind me.

I looked up to see a man in a plaid t-shirt, black dress pants and black shoes walking across the gymnasium. Now, where have I seen him before? As he got closer, I noticed he was holding something, was that a-

Starbucks cup. He was the guy from Starbucks.

Trailing behind him was our school's Principal, Mrs. Verenda who was grinning widely at him from behind as the squeals continued to fill the gym. Mrs. Verenda and the guy from starbucks - whose name escapes my mind - stopped in front of our section on the bleacher, and that's when that dreaded sentence came out of our principals red lipstick covered mouth,

"Class, meet Mr. Payne. He will be your new physical education teacher."


Short first chapter, obviously. I just wanted to get this chapter done since I started this new story tonight and wanted to give something for people to read.

Please, vote and tell me what you think. I need a few comments and votes for the next update since I do have three more ongoing stories and school.

Thanks guys!

Michelle xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2013 ⏰

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