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"Fucking dad" I say this alot, mainly when I'm talking about hot guys.

"Ow!! I've been malested"  my Freind pinched me.

"This is my home!!!!" My Freinds told me to get off the floor.

"I'm being malested by Haleys hair!" my friends hair smacked me.

"watch your pizza, its gonna fall over" this one is actually said by my principal but like.. same.

"OW..*whispers* fuck" I got a bruise.

"I'm leaking of my happines" I can't speak.

"stop malesting me with a book" my friend was hitting me with a book.

"that went all up in my throat.. that's what she said" someones car gas went all up in my face.

"not all boobs are even" someone mentioned that a drawings boobs where un even to my friend.

"can I snatch your baby" I saw a cute baby in a movie.

"pulls out a gun. Give me your baby!"
My friend said this one lmao.

"Your a hoe, everything you love is hard" Inspired by my english teacher,wends,february 27

"did any get on my face,thats what she said" my highlighter exploded.

"50% are gonna come" my math teacher. Thursday, February 28th

"someones book hit my non-existent tit!" someones book hit my non-existent tit in the hall. Friday, march 1st.

"I'm a greasy bitch" I had a greasy ass forehead. Friday, March 1st.

"were great E-girls" me and my freind were acting like E-girls in english. Friday, March 1st.

"if you get vitamin D, your a hoe"

"I'd yeet a baby in the garbage"

"every things a dildo if your brave enough, pulls out knife" Monday,march 5th.

"Your skin fat's in the way" I was trying to draw on my friends hand, March 6th.

"I crushed my goldfish with my ass" I had my snack in my back

"I just raped hope" My gay friend accidentally grabbed my waist to grab a piece of paper.

"I had a sniffly"my friend couldn't talk

"There can only be one helicopter in this class you can be a airplane or something but not a helicopter"
someone had a rage in my class

"I have a big mouth for big things" my freind forced half a bottle of pepsi down my throat and asked how all of it went into my mouth without spilling.

"I thought you said I had a cock in my mouth" I'm deaf .

"apple terdment Fuck" My freinds an idiot.

"I'm being molested with glitter" My freind was throwing glitter at me in S.S

"Stop body shaming my essay" -My interesting classmate. March 26th.

"Darry's a useful fuck" 🥵 -I'm not okay (I can dream stop fucking judging me)  March 26th.

"I don't need surgery for one of those"- my biologicaly female friend said that there getting a sex change when there older. March 27th.

"why are you deep-throating a pencil?"- my freind put a mechanical pencil in there mouth. March 28th.

"Darry's the big horse" My friend knows my obsession to well.

"Just imagine having a big ass chocolate dildo, that would be everything" Just.. don't ask.

"Whats under me John?"
-My interesting friend during math class. Weds, April 3.

"I got molested by a desk"
-My friend hit me with their desk. Weds, April 3.

Teacher: "They'll spread" (Light rays)
Me:"Like your legs! You hoe"
-Thursday, April 4.

my friend: "she's just some wacked up hussy who doesn't know how to close her legs."
-Thursday, April 4

"don't tell me how to rape my son"
My intresting class mate-weds, April 10th.

"I can still taste the-" *Lets out a big ass nasty burp*
Friday, May 3rd.

"It's flavored piss" my high friend, Friday, May 3rd.

"My vagina's touching someone's leg"
Me and my friends were having a group hug, Wednesday, May 15.

"Wow thanks idiot it's not like I needed it to be plugged in or anything" Im_sad_and_crying1 needed their phone charged and I unplugged the charger ;-;
-Friday, May 24

Quotes by HopeWhere stories live. Discover now