chapter four.

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Jayn watched as her father paced up and down the living room, causing marks on the carpeted floors. His usually neatly styled hair was standing in a million and one directions and his face was still flaming red. Jayn's mother on the other hand looked as calm as can be, whereas Jayn was just wishing she could sink into the plush couch she was sitting on. Her father hadn't said a word since they got into the house and Jayn kind of wish he would say something, absolutely anything. She just sat there, patiently waiting for him to burst any second.

Paul Carter had so much to say and ask, he just didn't know where to begin. "Who was he? Your boyfriend? Why didn't you mention him before? Who's his parents? Do they go to the church? Does he go to the church?" He finally burst, leaving Jayn stunned by the amount of questions asked.

"I don't know." was all Jayn could answer. But it was the truth. Jayn really didn't know. She didn't know his name. She didn't know his parents. She didn't know where he was from, or how old he was. Jayn didn't even know the boy existed before today.

"You don't know? YOU DON'T KNOW? WHICH PART DO YOU NOT KNOW?" Jayn's mother got a little startled by this sudden outburst.

"All of it" Jayn whispered, ashamed. She felt disgusted in herself, this isn't how her parents raised her.

"SO YOU WERE JUST GETTING IT ON WITH SOME RANDOM BOY OUTSIDE A CHURCH?" He rubbed his temples frustrated. Where did he go wrong with his princess? "I can't look at you right now, go up to your room."

That hurt Jayn a lot.

"And if I ever see you with that boy again, I will not let you off as easy as I did now." Jayn nodded, obidiently and went up to her room to start on her homework.


Lunch was awkward. No one spoke a word. It was just knives and forks clanking on plates. Jayn's mom didn't even ask her for help with the washing up, which was something the two loved doing together while talking about life. Jayn's dad didn't even bid her goodnight that evening, the way he usually did every night, before he went out for the evening services at the church.

Jayn had went to bed an hour earlier than usual. She knew tomorrow was going to be a long slient day of glares and dissapointment.


Jayn was right. Breakfast the next morning was even more awkward than lunch and supper the previous day.

Her parents barely acknowledged her presence. Her father left without a word and mother just left the kitchen to get ready for the day, leaving Jayn all alone.


Jayn's day didn't go as bad as she assumed it would. She nailed her physics test and aced her english creative writing assignment.

But that lucky streak didn't last long.

The school day ended faster than it came. Jayn was walking out of the school, accompanied by her 2 friends, when things took a slight turn for the worst.

There, leaning up against his red car, talking to 3 other boys, was that very handsome stranger, who returned the stare, looking even more suprised than Jayn. His suprised look was quickly covered by a mischieveous look, and that signature smirked graced his lips. That smirked that got Jayn's heart racing.

"I am so screwed."

bad boy. good lips. ➳ austin mahoneWhere stories live. Discover now