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I wake up and squint immediately covering my eyes with my irregularly pale hands, looking up at my window, sun ablaze already like it was making an effort to throw knives of light in my eyes. And of course I forgot to shut the curtains...again... you would think that I wouldn't though, considering the fact that this happens every "morning" and that I spent the majority of the night starring at the dark woolen clouds that are pinned on the black sky hanging above the city miles and miles away from the partially broken glass I peer from.

Looking away from the window, I sit up on my mattress placed in the corner on the floor and place my feet in front of me, I lean back on the wall to stare at my poor excuse of a room. I sometimes feel like my room is a wooden prison because that's all the walls, the floor and the ceiling consist of, wood, of course there are some human story books stacked up on my dresser and some older ones on top of my wardrobe that have a thick layer of dust on them for I did have a plan to get them up there but not back down again and that's about it as far as decoration goes. There's a chair in front of the window still, it's back propped up against the wall as the front two legs were broken off by not me in a state of confusion, and I can't count how many times I've fallen of the thing but I still sit on it and stare for hours and I still don't know if I'm paranoid or I'm intrigued into what they're doing next to find me.

I sigh, tilting my head up towards the ceiling and ask myself: "Why was the abandoned and run down house I ran to sooo... plain and dead?" Although what did I expect? A castle? Well. No.... I didn't. Besides, why would I want a castle, if not to metaphorically scream "Hey heaven, look it's me, Charlie the one you're looking for".

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