Jealousy/A Broken Heart!!😈😈😈

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Kirishima's POV

I walking the the dorm halls and decided to go to the kitchen to make breakfast, and I ran into Denki and Sero who are like my greatest friends but my best friend is......BAKUGOU!!! But we started talking about conspiracies and I said to them.

"How do you feel about Tupac??"

"Hell yeah he's still out there!!!!" Denki yelled.

"No you idiot even if he was still alive out there he's dead now!!! Because oh I don't know he's like 243 year's old!!!" Sero yelled and we all agreed to it....hes "dead" me and Denki still think he's out there.

But we made it to the kitchen when we heard laughing but for me one particular laugh was familiar and we opened the kitchen door to see a sad Shouto keeping it together with a fake smile. Every one knows he likes Deku, but as my eyes slowly made it's way I saw that there was Bakugou and there was an arm wrapped around him and it belonged to (DEEEKKKUUUU!!!!) I growled inside my head I saw the Sad glances from Denki and Sero because they know my secret but not Mina.

"Kirishima look Deku and Bakugou solves their differences and they are NOW DATING!!!!" Mina screamed I mustered up all the courage I had to smile and I said.

"Really that's cool totally cool good for you guy's congrats." I headed straight for the refrigerator I opened it and closed it saying.

"Um you know w-what I'm not feeling like I want to make some breakfast I'm-I'm going to order some. So I'll see you guy's around!!" I said and grabbed my key's and left quickly.

Bakugou's POV

Deku and I started dating for 2 weeks and we decided to come out and say that were dating. As I thought most people took it well but I'm not too sure about Shitty-Hair he seemed on edge about it it rather than happy and that made it sad because ai wanted him to be happy.

But once he was gone Deku pulled my face to his and actually kissed me on the lips and that's my number one weakness now is Deku.

(Time skip 2 months later sorry I don't have the energy to write that)

Deku and I have been dating for a little over 2 months now and I was watching a movie in the dorms living room when all of a sudden ALL these people came in.

Raccoon eye's turned off the t.v. and said.
"Let's play Truth Or Dare!!!" Most people said yes but I was reluctant to play the stupid game she's probably going to dig into people's love lifes and I hate people digging into my buisness.

"Ok....Jiro Truth Or Dare!!?" She asked headphone girl too loud but she said dare.

"Ok I dare you too......confess to someone you love if it can not or will not be conpleted then you have to tell the truth in a secret you've never told anyone!!!" She said.

(This is a death game it'll be the end of all of us with our secrets and I plan to die with all mine!!!) I thought.

"Mmmkay umm well Mina for one Over My Dead Body am I going to confess to my crush secret that I've never told anyone is that.......I just ended a 4 year relationship so actually the crush topic is a heart breaker for me." She said and we all nearly shit our pants I mean not even I suspected she was in a relationship!!!

"Oh I'm SORRY MAMA MINA WILL KILL THE BASTERED WHO HURT MY DAUGHTER!!!!" She screamed and pushed Jiro's head more into her chest.

"Ok my turn Mina TRUTH OR Dare!!?"

"Dare I plan to die with all my secrets!!!" She said (copycat!!!) I thought.

"Ok it's just like yours confess, but you also have to kiss him/or her however you swing, OR tell a secret." She Jiro said.

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