13 (Chenhua)

37 3 0

A-A trap... for us?...

Our eyes widened in shock. Dread filled our hearts as our minds loaded Akino's deduction.

"W-Wait, are you saying that a-all this time, it was US who they were a-aiming for?" Choiseung went pale.

"Oh... So you finally realised," a familiar voice made us turn to see Ayame being held hostage by Douketsu as he stood beside Shutendouji, who had just spoken. 

"AYAME-CHAN!" we shouted out, concern and worry in our tones clearly. 

"み-みんな( m-minna = E-Everyone)..." Ayame choked out. She was struggling to get away from Douketsu, but he was too strong.  

"Well, well, well, I have to say, you 4 are quite the popular trend these days," Shutendouji smirked darkly at us. "The Enma mirror's chosen ones, who managed to crack the Disappearing Vortexes case and defeated Jorogumo, purifying her in the process." Jorogumo visibly flinched. 

"If you want us, don't aim your target elsewhere," Akino scowled at him, causing Shutendouji to laugh. 

"Oh, you're so cute," he teased. "It almost makes me feel sorry that I have to end you here. Let me emphasise on ALMOST." His tone suddenly grew dark as he raised his right hand and snapped his fingers. 

Then, the area surrounding the 4 of us and the duo in front of us was separated off from Unsan, Obonyuu and Jorogumo, causing them to yelp out in shock. Ayame was then thrown our way, which made us lose our balance as she crashed into me, my back hitting Choiseung, Rau and Akino. We ended up in a dog pile of sorts. 

Douketsu cracked his muscles, taking out the Ashura Gouenmaru and pointing it to us, "You 5 will not survive this fight." 

"I get the 4 of us, but why Ayame-chan?!" Choiseung yelled out to them. 

"She is the descendant of the legendary priest Reibashi, and, as a result, must be erased," Shutendouji said coolly. 

"Would the Princess want this, though? You're hurting her friends!" Rau protested. Douketsu scoffed. 

"The Princess is not here, and even then, I'm sure she would allow this one sacrifice," he shot back. 

"She DEFINITELY wouldn't tolerate this!" I glared at the duo. 

"Chenhua-san's right! Natsume-chan would not be happy if she knew that you hurt some civilians!" Ayame agreed. Shutendouji looked annoyed. 

"Ma, ma, you're getting noisy and irritating," Shutendouji sighed in exasperation. "Douketsu, let's finish them off quickly."

"はい(hai = Yes), Shutendouji-sama," Douketsu nodded before the two of them got into battle stances. 

The 5 of us looked at one another, and a silent conversation made things clear: They won't listen to reason.

"Fine then. If we can't do it the easy way, we'll just have to do it the hard way!" Rau scowled. Akino nodded. 

"Come on, guys! You can do this!" Jorogumo shouted out from outside. 

"頑張って! (ganbatte != Fighting!)" Obonyuu cheered. 

"We believe in you!" Unsan nodded. 

"All right then!" Akino and Rau both called out. As if on cue, their watches lighted up again, but this time it only showed the 4th game's gameplay. 

"Cool!" Rau grinned. 

Shutendouji scowled at us as he tried to begin the fight, but Ayame quickly put up a barrier for some reason. The 4 of us blinked. 

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