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Eden's POV

"EDEN!" I hear from behind me. A familiar voice screaming in agony. It's Tyler.

I spin round and catch sight of him. He's being held down by three people. They're branding him.

I rush into the room, but by the time I'm anywhere near him, they've already pressed it into his skin. I scream at all of them to get out of the way. None of them budge, so I throw them out of my way myself.

The branding iron hits the floor and I make my way to Tyler. All energy he might have had is now completely drained from him. He's in so much pain that he's gone into shock.

"Griff! Take the cuffs off him! Now!" I scream. Griff is extremely strong, so the cuffs are off in seconds.

Tyler's almost lifeless body falls into my arms. His head resting on my shoulder, buried into my neck. He loosely places his arms around me to help support the rest of his body. He's so tired.

I look down at his wound. The mark has been made just below his bite mark.

"What the fuck happened?" I yell at all the nurses.

"We were told he was captured out in the mansion grounds. We were ordered to brand him." They're all shaking and scared of me. I cant really be mad at them, they're just following orders. That's how it works here. But whoever ordered them is seriously going to be sorry for this.

"Ordered by who?" Griff asks.

"Kyle. He's the one who found him and brought him here."

"Kyle doesn't even have hunting rights that's impossible."

"He said something about making sure he doesn't come back this time, or something." One of the nurses chimed in.

Come back this time? Implying they've met before and Tyler nearly died.

"Griff. I think Kyle is who turned Tyler."

"Tyler would have sensed him, he cant be."

Griff is right. He would've mentioned feeling off before he'd even gotten out of the car. His sensory powers are far more advanced than anyone I've met before.

"Can you help me take him to my room?" I ask Griff. He nods and picks Tyler up.

We walk back through the mansion and upstairs to my bedroom. Griff places his body down on my bed and leaves us alone together. I think the pain of the branding iron must've made him pass out.

This is the first time we've really been alone since we kissed. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't avoiding him. Because I kind of am.

I don't really know where we stand. Of course I have feelings for him, but I don't know if he's my mate or not. In the moment it definitely felt like it. But now I'm just confused.

None of that matters now though. All I care about is making sure he's healthy and not afraid of this place.

Because, to be honest, after all that I wouldn't be surprised if he was terrified of everyone here.

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