The day i met him

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Claire's pov:

"Yes no, no that isn't a problem sir. Yes I understand" i was on the phone with my boss while I was in my office finishing off some paperwork. "Yes tonight should be great, alright goodbye sir" I ended the call. My boss invited me to a dinner tonight with some of the workers here at New York journal and I gladly expected *knock knock* I look towards my office door and the secretary lady walks in "yes?" I look at her confused "hi, ms.gray your mother is on line two" she said "alright thank you Stacey" I say thanking her and she walks out closing the door behind her. I pick up the phone putting it to my ear pressing line 2

*phone conversation*
Me- "Hello"
Mother- "Claire honey how are you?"
Me- "I'm doing fine mum. you do know I'm at work and I don't usually except family calls unless there's an emergency"
Mother- yes I kn-
I cut her off
Me- "is there an emergency"
Mother- "well no... I was wanting you to come to my house tonight for dinner"
Me- "I cant tonight I have a dinner with my boss, sorry"
Mother- well I'm gonna need you to cancel because there's something very important I need to tell you" she sounded very serious. Did someone die?
Me- "uhhhh I guess I can.. okay what time?"
Mother- 6:00pm tonight
Me- alright see you then
*end of conversation*

I hang up and call my secretary Stacey telling her I need her to cancel dinner with my boss mr.kon  and telling him I'm very sorry but theres a family emergency.
I look down at my watch and read 3:30 which mean I'm able to go home it's about a 30 minute drive home but I catch a taxi so it goes by a lot faster once we reach my apartment I pay the taxi driver and exit. I unlock my door to my appointment and get ready for dinner with my mom.

*2 hours later*
I look at my watch and read 5:45, it takes 10 minutes to drive to my mothers house. I walk outside locking my door I begin to walk down the side walk outside and someone roughly hits my shoulder " excuse me!" I yell "do you mind I'm sorta busy" the man points to his phone and continues walking again in a hurry. I rub my shoulder out of pain but I try and shrug it off. I wave my hand at a taxi and it pulls up I hop in and give the driver my address.

I arrive at my mothers house and I knock after a couple seconds she opens it "Claire honey hello please come in" she says smiling and moving out of the way so I can enter "hello mother nice to see you" I say in my professional voice "claire please act yourself" she asks politely, she never did like me talking professional around her, I never understood why. "Come I would like you to meet someone" she said with a smile while she takes off my coat and hangs it up, I follow her into the living room "Ethan come say hello to my fairer Claire" I see I man face my mom and smiles and then looks at me and his face frowns and so does mine "you" I say "you" he says after me I give him a disgusted look "you two know eachother?" My mother asks us I face away with my arms crossed over my chest and he does the same and we both say "no" at the same time "well Claire this is Ethan and we are engaged" I look at her like she's crazy I look at him and he has a smirk on his face my mothers in her late 40s and Ethan looks like he's at least 30 "how old are you" I ask him with a wtf look "29 and you?" "25" I give him a sarcastic smile and role my eyes and face my mother "excuse me mother I have to use the restroom" I say in my professional voice again. I head to the nearest washroom which was upstairs, I enter the washroom and close the door, I look at myself in the mirror thinking to myself 'this can't be happening' after a couple more minutes I decide I should head back downstairs. I open the door and just when I walk out I hit a wall, wait this isn't a wall it's a person and the person is very tall and muscular I look up and meet eyes with Ethan, I push myself back and scoff I try to go around him but he stops me "Claire can we talk?" He asks "I really should get back to my mother" I say trying to walk off again "please?" he asks I turn around a bit and sigh "yes fine but make it quick" he walks over to my moms door waiting for me he opens the door gesturing me to go inside I walk in "I wanted to apologize about earlier today, I was very rude but I was only rude because I was in a rush to get here so I truly apologize" he says "it's fine now may I ask you something?" I ask he nods looking at me curious "where did you meet my mom and why marry her, you two aren't even in the same age gap" I say looking at him like he's insane "it's complicated" he says looking everywhere but me "fine are we done here" I say pointing between us, before he can answer I'm already out the door.

Hey guys thanks so much for reading. I'm needing some ideas for this book so DM me and we can talk about what I should add. Thanks:)

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