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     Since all of the Jaegers are going on a vacation, that's not really a vacation it's a job, they're all getting shared rooms with one other person. Dorothea is the only one who gets her own room since she's the only girl with them. Yuliy is sharing a room with Phillip, while Willard and Fallon are sharing a room. They've been on the job for a few days and Yuliy and Phillip have been arguing over a lot, enough so that the other Jaegers have noticed and scolded the two. Phillip yells at Yuliy whenever something is left on the bathroom floor or counter, he sometimes even yells when Yuliy's side of the room is dirty.  Yuliy will yell at Phillip in retaliation, but it only escalates their arguments further.

     The sunrise is the perfect time for Yuliy to shower. He doesn't have to deal with Phillip yelling over everything he does. Yuliy turns the shower on and lets the water heat up. He turns to the mirror that spans the whole wall and smooths back his hair as he stares at his reflection. He takes off his shirt and looks at the scars on his torso before the steam from the shower starts to fog up the mirror. Yuliy sighs and strips off the rest of his clothing before stepping into the shower. The hot water hits his cool skin, making him shiver and let out a sharp breath. He lets his mind wander, he finds the shower the easiest place to do so, while he washes his hair and body.

     Once Yuliy is finished with his shower, the sun has finally risen and Phillip has woken up. Yuliy walks out of the bathroom with pants on and a towel around his neck, his hair still dripping wet.

     "Seriously, dude!?" Yuliy groans as he hears that familiar grating voice. Phillip is yelling yet again.

     "What the hell did I do this time?" 

     "Your shit keeps getting on my side of the room! I'm fucking sick of this!"

     "I'll pick it up. You don't need to be getting all twisted up about it. I literally just got out of the shower. I'll pick it up now, alright?" Phillip mutters something incoherent under his breath while walking out of the bedroom and into the bathroom. Yuliy walks over to his suitcase and grabs a T-shirt to put on. He drops the towel onto the floor and as he's pulling the shirt down, Phillip walks out of the bathroom. 

     "The floor is soaked. How in the hell did you manage that? What the hell is wrong with you!?"

     Yuliy pulls the shirt over his head before shooting a death glare at Phillip. "Jesus fuck, dude! Why do you always have to yell, huh!? It's not like I can't fucking hear you! We are in the exact same room! Shut up! If you want something done? Fucking ask me instead of yelling like some goddamn prick!" Yuliy finally explodes. Phillip looks taken aback by the 'sudden' outburst and falls silent. The two stand glaring at each other for a few more seconds before Phillip grumbles and waves his hand before walking back into the bathroom.  Yuliy walks out into the 'kitchen', mumbling, "I hate him so much... 'kay... hate's a strong word. I hate how much he yells. I wish he would just shut up  for one day." He starts to brew two cups of tea, one for him and one for Phillip. It's always a long day for the Jaegers, especially when they have jobs that take a few days. Willard needs to stop taking them on job after job; it wears on the body and mind too much. The bathroom door opens after five minutes or so, and Phillip walks out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. "Made you some tea."

     "Uh... thanks? You didn't poison it or something did you?"

     "No, I didn't poison it. Just drink the damn tea I made you, yeah?" Yuliy grumbles and shakes his head, taking a sip from his mug while Phillip hesitantly grabs the mug from the counter. He sniffs the contents and grabs the tea bag, dipping it in the water a few times before disposing of it in the trashcan. Yuliy watches as Phillip takes a sip from the mug. "Good, no?"

     "Meh, it's not bad. Thanks," he says and sighs, rubbing his eyes. It's silent for a moment until Phillip's voice cuts through the tension in the air. "Uh... sorry, by the way."

     Yuliy raises his eyebrows as he looks at Phillip from over the rim of his mug before lowering it. "For?"

     "For yelling at you. Don't mean to be a cunt, y'know? I'm just," he sighs, setting the mug down, and pinching the bridge of his nose. " I'm just stressed with this mission looming over our heads tonight."

     "Oh. Uh, right. Just... work on it? I guess," Yuliy replies, bringing the mug back to his lips and drinking the tea. Phillip sighs and covers his face with his hands as he leans on the counter.

     "I know... I'm just worried because you get careless sometimes. It's hard to stay on the backlines and watch your teammate get injured because of his own carelessness."

     Yuliy looks at Phillip again, sighing and setting his mug down. "I'll be fine. I'm always fine, remember? Just do your job, the others will do theirs. Alright?" Yuliy places his hand on Phillip's shoulder. His voice is harsh but his touch is gentle. What a contrast. Phillip lifts his head from his hands and looks at Yuliy.

     Phillip brushes Yuliy's hand off of his shoulder, his face turning pink. "Yeah, I know. Thanks again. For- uh, the tea." Phillip nods and walks off into the room, shutting the door behind him. 

     Yuliy laughs and shakes his head. He picks his mug up and leans against the counter again, his eyes fixed on the door. "I guess he can be cute and not just a cactus," he mumbles to himself, continuing to drink his tea.


Uhhhhhh, I'm sorry for how long this one took to come out. A lot of stuff been going on in my family and life. I didn't really know how I wanted this one to come out but I think it came out really good for not knowing how I wanted it to go anymore. Thank you all so much for taking the time to read this! I hope you have a wonderful day/night, wherever you are. I love you and remember that you're never alone. <33

word count: 1010

Phillip x Yuliy Oneshots  [BEING REVISED AND WILL HAVE NEW CHAPTERS]Where stories live. Discover now