Chapter 5

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Yoongi walked his way to where he parked his bike earlier. The gift that Jimin gave him looks like a timer. He doesn't accept gifts actually that's why he's going to Jimin's house not just to pick up Yoona but to give the gift back to Jimin. He doesn't care wether it's fucking expensive or precious. He doesn't accept gifts, that's all.

As Yoongi get in his bike, he heard someone screamed for help from the distance. He frowned as he remembers what his mother always tell him.

"Yoongi, are you listening?" Mom asked me. I pouted, why is she always like this? I did this twice only.

"If someone needs your help, help them. World revovles around the time but we shouldn't revolve onto time too. We'll help people not for time. We'll help them because we can and we want to. Understood?"

"Understood, mom." Yoongi bit his lips before running towards the voices. The closer he gets, the louder the groans and laughs. He ready himself, surely he'll get in big trouble. People who usually do bad things are stronger and the reason why they do bad things is to stole someone's time. But again, Yoongi remembered he has a power. He's a fire controller, who else can overpower him?

"PLEASE, DON'T!" cried someone. Yoongi stopped as he stared at the narrow entrance of the forbidden forest. They are forbidden to enter that forest because the wild animals that lives there might kill them or vice versa. They value animal's life but not people's. Yoongi narrowed his eyes suspiciously. Maybe they were inside. Slowly, he stepped closer in the narrow entrance way. He took another steps and there he is, standing in front of the gate of the narrow way that leads to forbidden forest.

"BAAM!" He heard a voice and then felt someone kicked him very hard on his back, making him flew inside the forbidden forest. Luckily, he didn't hit his head on the ground when he fell since his head fell on his bag. He immediately stood up and look on the entrance way but it has been locked already. Yoongi's eyes widened, he run towards the gate and tried to open it. He stepped backwards and charged a firebolt then threw it on the gate but it didn't break nor crack. Maybe the school's headmaster made it magic proof so that students won't break in. He sighed, maybe on the other end of this forest is the exit or maybe another entrance where he could exit.

Yoongi started to walk straight not until he heard a groan or moan, he's not sure. What's inside this forest? A huge bear? He could just burn it up, there's no reason to be afraid of. He took a note to himself to find that someone who kicked him inside and kill that shit. Yoongi clenched his fist, he's getting mad. If only he didn't listen to the memory of his mom, this will never happen. He charged a huge firebolt and threw it directly on the huge tree in front of him.

"AHHHHHHHH!" Yoongi's eyes widened in shock as he saw a guy fell down the burned tree. The guy fell on the ground and the trunk of the tree was about to fall on top of him but Yoongi burned it into ashes. The guy coughed, begging for help but Yoongi just stood there and watched him. The guy brushed the ashes off his face and body before standing on his feet.

"Jimin?!" Yoongi frowned as he identified the guy. Jimin's eyes twinkled and he gave Yoongi a big smile. His eyes turned into two slits, making Yoongi wonder if Jimin could still see him when he smile. Jimin sneezed before he could even walk towards Yoongi.

"Ashes off!" Said Jimin and after shaking his wand, he's cleaned again. He smiled at Yoongi again before standing in front of him. "So, how's my gift for you?" Jimin smiled at him but he'll regret it later for Yoongi remembered he'll give it back to Jimin. Yoongi nodded as he started searching for the gift that he put inside his bag earlier. Jimin raised an eyebrow, he doesn't know what's Yoongi doing.

"Oh shit." Yoongi whispered and look back immediately. He has to find it. Maybe it fell out from his bag when he fell on the ground earlier because someone kicked him. Yoongi run back, he knew the direction because he just walked straight. Jimin's eyes widened, why is Yoongi running away? He shouldn't be left here alone.

"WAIT, HYUNG!" Jimin shouted as he run after Yoongi. The forest is dark although it's not yet really dark outside. Maybe it's because the leaves of the trees here is bigger than the normal trees outside. Yoongi's mind was focused on his way and on the gift he just lost. He didn't heard Jimin shouted earlier. And now, Yoongi reached the entrance. He started searching from the gate to where he fell earlier until Jimin came.

"Hyung, what are you doing?" Jimin asked him as he pants. Yoongi ignored him and kept searching for that timer. Yoongi thought it was really expensive because it looks like a real gold and the design of the timer ain't simple. Yoongi bit his bottom lip when he didn't found the timer on the gate. He walked toward where Jimin was standing at. Jimin thought Yoongi would talk to him so he smiled at him.

Yoongi pushed him out of his way, making him fell down on the ground. "AH, HYUNG!" Jimin shouted as he fell on the ground. He groaned in pain as he rubbed his back. Yoongi ignored him and kept searching around. That timer is a bullshit! Yoongi thought as he gripped on the grass.

"BOLEN ARRIRE!" They heard someone shouted on the other side of the gate, followed by a loud crash. The gate broke and it flew towards Jimin and Yoongi so they crawled on aside. "JIMIN! JIMIN, WHERE ARE YOU?!" Jungkook shouted as he rushed inside the forbidden forest. Jimin groaned in another pain while Yoongi was quick to sat up. He rubbed his head and glared at Jungkook who didn't even informed them that he'll broke the gate. Anyways, how did he broke the gate? Yoongi thought.

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