Chapter 1:

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~Your P.O.V~ 

You don't want them to get you. You hated it there. Your parents are abusive, corrosive to the soul, but no one cared about you. You ran away from home. You didn't want to deal with them anymore. You were running in the woods. You didn't want to be found. You heard the police dogs chasing after you, so you started to run faster. You ran into someone before you passed out.

When You woke up, you were in a bed. You were worried that it was only a dream, so you ran to the window & threw the curtains open looking at the view outside. It was dark, but you could see the trees surrounding the window. You didn't know where you were then, so you sat on the bed & thought about what happened last night. You remember running in the woods & running into someone. You decided to see if the door was open. You walked up to the door & tried to turn the doorknob. It turned easily, but you didn't know if it was safe outside the room, so you looked around for a weapon. You saw nothing except your jewelry next to the bed you woke up in. You put it on & walked out. It felt weird because it's been awhile since you wore jewelry. You walked down the hallway into what seemed to be a living room. There was a little girl sitting on the couch playing a game with an elven boy. You decided to walk into the next room. It was a kitchen. There was a boy with orange goggles with some black metal on the top of his messy brown hair. He was wearing a dark grey mouthguard. He was eating waffles. The fridge was open & all you saw were black jeans & shoes sticking out of the door. You're guessing these two were both males by the sound of their voices.

"Are th-th-th-there any more waffles in there?" the one eating the waffles asked the one looking in the fridge.

"No, & stop asking me. I need to get something for (Y/N) to eat. I also need to get something to eat," the one in the fridge said. You don't know how no one sees you, but you started to walk away when the fridge shut. You froze in place as someone walked up behind you.

"Well, Good Morning (Y/N)," The person said. It was a male. You flinched as he put his hands on your shoulders. You could feel his muscles getting ready to turn you around, so you put your hands on his hands squeezing making it hard to turn you without breaking your arms. You heard him growl as your fingers went under his sleeve. You felt that he was wearing gloves. You didn't know why, nor did you want to. He slowly turned you around carefully making you lose your grip. You let your hands fall to your sides as you looked at him. He was wearing a blue mask that had no other facial features other than the dark eye holes which was dripping a black substance. You just looked at him. The one who was eating waffles came up to ypu two. The man in front of you backed up so you could see the other one.

"Hi, I'm T-T-Ticci Toby, but you can call me T-T-Toby," the boy said. He didn't look older than 15.

"Hi Toby. I'm (Y/N)," You said shyly. It was weird for you to talk to them, but you were happy to know a name.

"Do you have a p-p-p-proxy name or a catchphrase (Y-Y-Y/N)?" Toby asked.

"Proxy name? Catchphrase?" You asked confused.

"Yeah. My c-c-catchphrase is: Who needs a social life? We have the voices in our heads to keep us company," Toby said his voice deepening.

"I'm sorry Toby, but I don't know what a proxy name is. Much less have one," You said.

"Th-th-that's okay (Y/N). Slender will help y-y-you out with that," Toby said.

The man in the blue mask stepped in between you two saying, "The name's EJ, but everyone here calls me Jack." You nodded. He then pinned you to the wall behind you.

"You'll be bullied here a lot, but just think of it as them teasing you. We treat everyone like family. I know you'll be moved into my room, so I have some rules. Rule 1: Don't touch anything of mine without permission. Rule 2: Never take my mask off. Rule 3: You'll change in our bathroom & knock on the door waiting for me to say okay. Rule 4: Don't break my jars on the window sill. I'll show you what I mean later. Rule 5: When I walk into the bedroom for bed, You'll face the wall until I say you can roll the way you were. Got it?" Jack asked. He was kinda growling while saying this.

The Beginning of a new life [EJ x Reader} (COMPLETED!!)Where stories live. Discover now