A New Awakening

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I woke up to the sunlight shining through the curtain , hitting my face. After a few minutes , I got up and grabbed my towel that I left on the heater, so it was toasty warm.

I hopped in the shower and when did my morning routine. Once I was done I headed down stairs to make a quick bowl of cereal when suddenly a big thump echoed throughout the house.

It was my dorky brother B/N wearing a box that he claimed to be a robot suit. He quickly got up then, he shouted in a robot voice. I looked at him confused then he started to walk up the stairs. I was utterly confused at what just happened, but then shrugged my shoulders. This was normal for me. I soon snapped back to reality and got my favorite cereal and quickly finished eating.

I opened the fridge to see we needed some more groceries so I went back upstairs to my room and changed. I put my F/C tang-top on with a high waisted white skirt and some dress shoes and headed outside. I took my wallet and my car keys and got into the car as I drove to the store.

I notice that the road was slippery and there wasn't a car in sight. Driving carefully , I was almost at the bend, where the road curves. I took my time, as I didn't want to drive off the road, hearing a loud honking noise I look up to see a huge semi truck heading for my way. Stepping on my brakes I try to swerve out the way, but the truck was heading toward me to fast, and the slippery road wasn't"t making it any easier for me.

Next thing I now, I hear a crash and things breaking. I closed my eyes and screamed as I felt my car flip numerous times and off the road. Upside down, I felt blood trickling down my face, I tried to open my eyes but everything was a blur. I hear people shouting and sirens nearing. I tried unbuckling my seatbelt , causing my to fall onto my head. Opening the door I crawl out, I looked down to see my hands all bloody and there was a spot by my stomach bleeding. Touching my forehead , my hand grazes over a cut, I soon felt my eyes going red. Maybe they were bleeding ? Who knows.

Laying back down, I felt my eyes going dark. I saw a dark figure walking towards me and bend down to my level. I close my eyes, wanting to open them again. I felt the strangers hand caress my face as he stared at me.

"It'll be okay deary, I'll give you a second chance"

Opening my eyes, I can only make out their hair, dark Black and pale skin. I suddenly felt a sharp pain and that's when I blacked out.


I woke up in a very uncomfortable bed with needles in my veins, my body hurts really bad. I felt multiple thuds and looked up to see all of the doctors and nurses on the ground with their eyes completely open, they looked like they were paralyzed.

I began to panic , I didn't know what was happening. What happened to them ? Am I dreaming ? As questions began to form in my head , I notice footsteps walk in. Looking up I make eye contact with them, but nothing happened.

"You can flick them on and off. Think of it like a light switch, you want the light off so you turn it off."

Confused I try to do what he said and I heard noises. I look to see all the doctors rubbing their head and start to stand up. Looking daze they all look around until their eyes land on me. Giving them a confused look, they began to explain they gave me surgery and told me I was lucky enough that they had some spare blood for the surgery.

"You'll have to stay the night"

One by one they all walked out. Like hell I'll stay here, even though I got in an accident I felt as though I didn't need any help. As if I have a new found strength.

Ripping off the needles and such I stand up. Looking around hectically I find some pair of slippers and slip them on. My clothes were probably thrown away, as they had blood and were shredded from the accident.

How long have I been in here ? I was starting to question myself. Everything was kind of a blur for me.

I snuck out the hospital and found a random bike , locked. Geez, right when I thought luck would be on my side. Walking towards the bike I try to pull the chain off, and with one pull it broke...

H-how did it break ? Maybe it was old and not that strong anymore

Shaking my head I immediately jump on the bike and peddle my way home, in a hospital gown. Well crap, hopefully no one calls them and says I'm on the loose...

Once I arrive home, I see my car in the driveway, with no dents like it had been in a accident....

What's going on ?? My car got destroyed why does it look all brand new ?

Walking through the door I spot my brother but as soon as he looked into my eyes he collapsed to the floor and it was like he was paralyzed.

Shit, thinking back to what that one person said , I switch my eyes to normal. Running to the bathroom, I notice B/N stand up and rub his head while looking around.

I head to the mirror and looked at my eyes, switching them on, they were black and had a red aura around it. it was like I became a supernatural being , I didn't want to even look at myself anymore, I felt disgusted with myself.

I started to cry but as soon as one tear dropped down on my cheek it just evaporated . Scared, I knew my mom had heard of something like this before.

Looking through our bookshelf I spot the book my mom used to read, it was about supernatural beings. Running to my room I lock the door and spend some time reading the book. I wanted to know more!

Maybe if I could find mom she could tell me, but she moved to Europe. I have to take that chance. Looking out the window I see that it was around 1 in the morning. Checking my phone I quickly go to buy a plane ticket and wait for it to print out.

I packed the necessities , clothes, money some shoes and a few other things. I grab a carry on and place my computer, the supernatural being book and a few other things I wanted to bring.

Heading to my brothers room I give him a kiss on the forehead before tucking him into bed. Doing the same to my dad, I head back to my room and quietly make my way to my , somehow of a okay car.

Tears started to slowly fall, I had to do this. Who knows what I could do next. I could kill them for all I know. Starting the car I make my way over to the airport.


Arriving at the airport I go through security and hand my bags to the airport people. I give them my ticket and passport and they give me my seat number.

I look out the window , with the book in hand. I need to find her, maybe she knew it was real. What if this happened to her too and that was why she left all of a sudden.

Sighing I lay my head on the window and drift off to sleep, I had many hours left till I arrived there. First, I should find a hotel to stay for a while..... { I do NOT own any of the pictures in this chapter!}


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