Sick Felix Jr

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Calhoun was sitting in a chair next to a bed Felix was laying there with his hair messy blushing around his cheeks and nose,and had a wet cloth on his forehead "Come on Felix wake up" Calhoun hold his hand "Hey I got some soup for Felix" Vanellope smile "Thanks kid but I don't think candy soup will help" Calhoun smile "Wait where Ralph?" "He outside Gene can't let him in for sone reason" Vanellope smile "Dr Mario should be here by now" Calhoun look outside Vanellope look at Felix groaning "Tam?" Vanellope ask "Where is he mushroom eating butt?" Calhoun ask "Tamora?" Vanellope called her "Come on!" Calhoun said "Tammy!" Vanellope shouted "What?!" Calhoun look over at Felix who was waking up "Felix your up good stay up a little longer" Calhoun move his hair out the way "I'm here where the patient?" Dr Mario said "Fix it Felix Jr" Calhoun said "Your new to me" Dr Mario felt his forehead then check his pulse "So what is it?" Vanellope ask "Look like a high fever and a small virus but it nothing serious just give him this ever 2 hours" Dr Mario gave Calhoun the medicine "Thanks Doc" Calhoun smile as he left "Open up Felix" Calhoun put it on a spoon Felix move his head other way "Fix it Felix Jr are you being stubborn?" Calhoun ask "I just don't trust medicine" Felix coughed "Drink now" Calhoun said Felix take a slurp and swallow it and made a weird face "I know now you can get some rest" Colhoun remove the cloth and wet it again placing it back on Felix forehead "Okay I will get *yawn* some rest....." Felix fell asleep peacefully "Hey Vanellope I have some plan to do I was wondering with you can get stay here with Felix?" Calhoun ask "Of course anything for my best friend friend" Vanellope said "Thanks Kid I will get Ralph up here" Calhoun left "Now let look around" Vanellope walk around "Hey Kid how Felix?" Ralph walkin "Sleeping but we have to gave him his medicine ever 2 hours" Vanellope smile "That good" Ralph went to Felix room "Nice room keep it clean" Ralph look over to see Felix hammer he took a few steps "No hold the mayo......" Felix toss over "Oh Thanks bricks" Ralph grab the hammer and somehow trip over his own foot Felix woke up and rub his eyes "Ralph?" "Oh hey Felix want to check on you Calhoun out for a little bit" Ralph smile "Oh that nice just be careful around here....." Felix went back to sleep "Phew" Ralph left "He have good cereal" Vanellope smile eating it "Guess what I got?" Ralph ask "Shoes!" Vanellope smile "No" Ralph pull out Felix hammer "Holly cotton candy let use it come on!" Vanellope grab it and went outside "I think it been only 30 minutes we're fine" Ralph follow behind her *4 hour later* "Man what a blast!" Vanellope smile "Yeah we still have time to get Felix his medicine two" Ralph smile "Hello guys I hope you gave Felix is medicine cause that was 2 hours ago" Dr Mario pass them "Felix!" Ralph and Vanellope ran back to the game Ralph open the door to see Felix breathing not normal and his face was more red "Felix wake up come on" Ralph shake him "Hey Ralph....." Felix coughed "I'm sorry Felix you fix my problem now I will do the same okay?" Ralph ask Felix vomit on Ralph "Sorry...." Felix grunted "Let get you to Calhoun" Ralph wrap Felix in the blanket Vanellope wet the cloth and placing it back on Felix forehead "Okay that should help a little bit let go!" Vanellope ran as Ralph pick up Felix and ran after her they ran to hero duty "Where there camp?" Vanellope look around Ralph lean Felix on a wall "Stay there Felix" Ralph help Vanellope then soldiers surrounded them "What your business here?" Soldier ask "Please we're here to see Calhoun" Ralph put his arms around his neck "Please my friend over there is sick" Vanellope point to Felix who head was looking down at his feet soldier went to Felix and felt his pulse "He heart rate is going down" Soldier said "Get a stretcher" Other soldier said "Your gonna save him right?" Vanellope ask "We don't know yet" as two soldiers got Felix on a stretcher and walk to there base Ralph and Vanellope follow behind "They got cooler kart then me" Vanellope said "Sit right there I will get Calhoun and we will take Felix to are hospital" other soldier said few minutes later Calhoun came "Hey Cal-" Ralph was knock to the ground by Calhoun "You idiot Felix could be infected with a bigger virus or worst he could be dead!" Calhoun said "I'm sorry Tam" Ralph said "Enough I should kill you but I'm not!" Calhoun left the room "How is he?" Calhoun ask "We got him stabilize and the virus was coming fron his arm so we fix it" Soldier said few hours later Felix woke up to see Ralph, Vanellope, and Calhoun by him Felix look at his arm that was bandages "How you feeling Felix?" Vanellope ask "Better than before but where am I?" Felix ask "We're in Hero Duty hospital" Calhoun smile "Guys can I talk to Felix alone please?" Ralph ask as the girls left Felix lean on a pillow and look at Ralph "I'm sorry Felix we took your hammer play around we forgot to feed you your medicine I'm so sorry can you forgive me?" Ralph ask "I forgive Ralph just don't ever do that again okay?" Felix yawn "okay get some rest buddy I want you at tapper" Ralph smile and left out Felix and went back to bed

The End

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