Three Invaluable Seconds

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"Ruby!" Y/N yelled out towards the girl he grew up with, the girl he swore he would protect, the girl that started his entire path to where he was today. The park rides crashed around him as Ruby flurried around in a forceful wind of petals, dodging each piece of debris. "Fuck, come on!"

Wind surrounded the boy as he steadied himself upon the rollercoaster he was fighting Wrath on. Blasts of flames and black magic shot in front of him, but the twisting and turning of the coaster allowed Y/N to dodge out of the way, even with his lack of control.

Cinder swung her hand sideways, sending a wave of magic barreling towards her opponent, but it was blasted away by the silver eyes. Ruby's eyes narrowed as she honed in on Salem and collided with her. Her scythe wrapped around Cinder's torso as she attempted to rip through her midriff, but it was too late. Cinder's hand shot forward in an instant and was embedded in Ruby's stomach with a searing sound. Ruby's eyes widened and she let out a piercing scream that rattled Y/N's soul to its core.
At that moment, everything went quiet for him. The humongous black dragon creeping towards him was placed out of his awareness. The wind blowing in his face and the smell of burnt wood and grease that came along with it. The speed around him ceased at its core as his eyes widened and he watched Ruby's life drain from her eyes as she fell limp in Cinder's grasp.

It was at that moment that everything came to a head. Every situation that he had been in had led up to this point, he knew that now. He failed. Again, and again, and again, over and over, routinely managing to miss the mark with exorbitant amounts of mistakes. Anger welling up inside him for every time he was lectured, lamented, or losing.
Yet this time, he felt oddly calm. Like the current of a river in a silent forest, gently blowing with the way the wind took him. That's when it clicked in his brain about what the next course of action was.

To truly beat someone who sins as much as they do, he needed to become the sin.



"Y/N, it's time to wake up!" A hoarse yet cheery voice called from the first floor of Y/N's two story house in Patch. The village surrounded and commandeered by the thick wilderness around them whistled into the window of the 6 year old boy, letting him know that the rest of the world was finally waking up. With groggy eyes Y/N rolled himself up and out of the bed, landing onto the floor with a loud thump and cry of surprise as his heavy body hit the floor. The aroma of bacon and eggs filled his nostrils with the usual grace that it typically did on a Sunday morning, letting him know that Uncle Alexander, or Al for short, was home for the time being. Taking part in the usual Huntsman code of conduct, he had to be away for different lengths of time, making the time he spent with his nephew more precious than ever.

With a huff and a few mumbles of annoyance, Y/N picked himself up and looked into the mirror. His shaggy black hair was sticking up in every which way, something Summer Rose wouldn't be too happy about. He always liked to try and replicate his uncle's appearance and mannerisms, but for some reason Summer referred to him as a "bad role model" whenever this occurred. Licking his hand, he pushed down his hair and attempted to straighten it, barely being able to get one piece down before getting too impatient and leaving it as it was. He hopped down and rubbed his light blue eyes with a groggy smile on his face, finally feeling the efforts of his uncle to be at home more. It was an odd feeling, but one that wasn't unwelcome.

Grabbing his favorite action figure off his bed, he quickly made his way downstairs to get to breakfast on time. The aroma only growing stronger every passing minute. Y/N hopped down the stairs carefully and jumped wide on the last step, causing the house to shake a bit. Turning the corner into the kitchen, he saw Uncle Al, Summer, Tai, 4 year old Ruby, and 6 year old Yang already eating.

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